August 28, 2024

Minimalist Memes

Me: 2024 is not very funny. I need some humour.

The Internet: Can I suggest some minimalist memes?

Me: Yes. Let's do that. The world needs more funny. And more minimalism.

I laughed at this selection of minimalist memes because they are simple, straightforward, relatable, and with an understated delivery. 

I like that minimalist memes find their strength in simplicity and the truth they convey at a glance.

I hope you enjoyed these, and had a laugh, because all we really need is each other, and to share some mirth together on a regular basis.

That is my kind of minimalism. 

Ha, ha, ha.

Do you have anything funny to share with us? Or minimalist? Or funny minimalist?


  1. Thanks, I needed that!

    1. Anonymous8/30/2024

      My pleasure. We need more funny.

      - Gregg

  2. Anonymous9/10/2024

    Enjoyed them all, but the brain one really cracked me up (LOL). That one and the typhoid marry one hit home! : )

    1. Anonymous9/10/2024

      My mantra is ''get rid of it''. It has yet to fail me.

      - Gregg


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