August 14, 2024

No Sheet Sherlock


I have enough top sheets, but not enough fitted bottom sheets for my bed. Have you ever wondered what happens to those fitted sheets? Do they run away with socks?
All clues lead me to believe that bottom sheets wear out before their top partners because they get more wear and tear on the bottom.
I wasn't sure what to do about it, as my thinking sometimes gets caught in a rut. 

I've always had a fitted sheet for the bottom of any bed I've ever had, so my brain told me I needed a fitted sheet now.
Then, I stumbled upon a bed-making competition online! Who would have thought this was even a thing? 
These exciting (and totally functional) competitions are popular in the Asian hospitality industry.
When I watched the video, I instantly noticed that the bed maker used a flat sheet as a bottom sheet. What a concept! 
Why had I never thought of this before? I'm not quite sure. 
Proof that it's sometimes necessary to think outside the box and consider our resources and how we use them.
Since then, I've been successfully using my ample supply of top sheets as bottom sheets on my bed. 
I guess I didn't need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out, but I did need to see the problem from a different, more resourceful perspective.

Takeaway: Before buying, take a moment to reassess your existing resources. You might just find that a little creativity can replace a purchase, leading to a more sustainable and fulfilling life.

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