I like being at home full time. Homemade samosas, anyone? |
So now everyone is spending all their time at home, and going out is difficult. It is hard to do regular things, hard to go places and hard get stuff done.
Welcome to our world.
Ever since Linda went into a wheelchair everything has become more difficult. Since before it happened I have been committed to being her caregiver.
That has meant transitioning from full time teaching to full time working at home. It was easy for me. I like home. I like it a lot.
I started writing this blog in 2008, for example, because I knew that I would be spending my time at home and I thought I better have a few creative outlets to keep me sane.
That turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.
Now, some say we are all in lockdown. We are homebound. Everyone is a shut in - it's not just for a disadvantaged small segment of society anymore.
I see it in a more positive light, more of an opportunity.
You see, I don't believe that what is "out there" is as good as advertised. For the most part it is mindless dreck manufactured to keep the masses content, lethargic, and distracted.
And working, working, working. I think being at most workplaces is going into a lockdown situation. Most people are workbound.
And when I go to a shop or palace of entertainment I feel shut in. Can't breathe.
Plus it all costs a lot. And takes a lot of time.
But what is it all for? Why do hunter/gatherer societies have more leisure time than we do? How did that happen?
Like a tiny tribe of two, Linda and I have been living locally (about a 30 km radius) since 2005, and have been more location-based since about 2012 (about a 15 km radius, but most often keeping to our 2 acre property).
It has been so enjoyable that the time has passed swiftly. I miss no part of my former "free" life with more choices, because it came with an accompanying high level of stress.
Infinite choice is not a good thing whether we are talking consumer goods or where to go, or what distractions to indulge in. Humans get stress-lock, rendering us unable to make any choice. We shut down.
It is far less stressful for me to know there is nowhere to go, nothing to do. I can simply be.
This is it. Just this place, and just this moment.
And they are beautiful.
Welcome to my world. It's not so bad with the right attitude.
If you don't know now already, I sincerely hope you take this unprecedented opportunity to open to the simplicity of this moment in time.
Do it at home now, and ignore the mayhem and chaos.
Let it all go, because it is time for you to be you, and through that, connect with others, and the world, in ways not previously known possible.
Because we were too busy.
This is the way Zen Master Wu Kwang puts it:
“When you really face the fact that there is nowhere to go and no choice, then you enter your situation completely.
Your mind does not keep saying, Well, maybe I’ll do this, maybe I’ll do that.
There is no choice. There is only this moment, moment by moment, by moment.
And at that point, you can open to the simplicity of your being and of your connection with others.
From that, clear action is possible, compassionate meeting is possible.”
There is only this moment. Let's enjoy it as much as possible right now, right where we are at.