February 14, 2025

The Art of Being Easily Pleased

If you wake up joyful, simply because you are healthy and in no pain, or if a perfectly cooked grilled cheese sandwich can send you into culinary bliss, you may be someone that is easily pleased. 

The idea of being easily pleased—finding joy in simplicity and contentment in everyday life—has been advocated by philosophers, writers, and thinkers across cultures and time periods.

Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher, Marcus Aurelius, in his Meditations, presents a timeless guide to finding peace and contentment through simplicity and self-discipline. 

"Very little is needed to make a happy life, he says, as ''it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking."

In a world that often glorifies complexity and constant striving, there’s a gentle power in being easily pleased. 

This simple mindset can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful life, allowing us to reconnect with the beauty of now and the wonders of nature that surround us.

When we embrace the art of being easily pleased, we open ourselves up to a world of easily accessible simple pleasures. 

The feel of a sharp knife slicing raw potatoes, watching gently falling snow, or having a warm drink on a cold morning—these moments can bring profound happiness if one is sensitive to their power. 

In a society that often pushes us to chase after bigger and more, it’s refreshing to find contentment in smaller and enough. 

Being easily pleased fosters resilience. When we learn to appreciate what we have, we become less attached to material possessions and societal expectations. 

This mindset allows us to navigate life’s challenges with grace, finding silver linings even in difficult times.

Last night I made a rice pudding and put in a teaspoon of chilli powder instead of cinnamon. When I realized what I did, I put the cinnamon in and stirred the hot mess all up. 

It needed to be rebranded - we had to change our thinking - as a Mexican rice pudding.

We ate it, and it was great. Hot, yes, but we like it hot.

For the easily pleased, gratitude becomes the guiding principle, reminding us that happiness is not found in the latest gadget or trend, or how much wealth we horde, but in the magical richness of everyday moments.

Moreover, being easily pleased causes one to radiate positivity that is a joy to be around. 

The appreciation for life’s simple pleasures can inspire others to slow down and savor the moment. In a fast-paced world, the fast acting relief of reducing the pace of the madness can foster deeper connections with nature, yourself, and others. 

In a culture that equates success with constant ambition and material accumulation, practicing the art of being easily pleased is counterintuitive - an act of rebellion. 

It challenges the status quo and invites us to question what truly brings us happiness. By stepping away from the relentless pursuit of more, we can reclaim our time and energy, focusing instead on what genuinely matters to us.

So, let us celebrate the beauty of being easily pleased. In a world that unceasingly demands more from us, let’s find joy in the simple, the small, and the everyday. 

By doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also inspire others to appreciate the spectacular wonders that nature and simplicity have to offer. 

After all, true happiness lies not in the grandiose, but in the tiny moments that make up our lives and reveal the magic of being alive in this amazing Universe.

February 9, 2025

Simple Living Revolution: Saving the World One Handcrafted Soap at a Time

Welcome, dear readers, to the latest edition of “How to Save the World While Baking Bread.” 

Today, we’re diving deep into the pressing issues of the day: technocracy, the erosion of rights, and the looming threat of a dystopian future where your smart fridge knows more about you than your therapist. 

Fear not! The simple living movement has the perfect, non-mainstream, response to these challenges.

Step 1: Embrace the Power of Soap

In a world where surveillance cameras are as common as pigeons in the park, what better way to resist than by making your own soap? 

That’s right! While the technocrats are busy trying to monitor your every move, you can be crafting artisanal lavender-infused soap that smells like freedom. 

Not only will you be free from the clutches of corporate hygiene products, but you’ll also have a delightful conversation starter. 

“Oh, this? Just my homemade soap. It’s infused with the tears of the one percent.”

Step 2: Grow Your Own Food (and Your Own Conspiracy Theories)

Why rely on big box grocery stores that are run by shadowy figures in suits when you can grow your own food? 

Start a garden, and while you’re at it, cultivate a few conspiracy theories about how the government is injecting all the tomatoes with teeny tiny surveillance devices. 

Nothing says “I’m taking back my rights” like a backyard full of bug-free heirloom tomatoes and a well-researched pamphlet or two on the dangers of the Big Ag/Big Pharma nexus.

Step 3: Ditch the Tech 

In a world dominated by technocracy, the best response is to unplug. You may not be able to live without your smartphone, but you can limit its use to only the most essential apps: like the one that tells you how to make yogurt or the one that tracks your daily yoga progress. 

Just remember, every time you post a picture of your homemade granola on social media, you’re subtly resisting the technocratic overlords. 


Step 4: Host a “No-Tech” Book Club

Gather your fellow simple living enthusiasts for a book club that focuses on the classics—like “Walden” by Thoreau or “The Art of War” (because who doesn’t want to strategize effective actions against the technocracy?). 

Make it a rule that no one can bring their devices. Instead, encourage old fashioned face to face deep discussions about how to live simply while plotting the downfall of the global surveillance/censorship apparatus. 

Bonus points if you can do it all while sipping herbal tea brewed from herbs you grew yourself in a cup you made yourself.

Step 5: Create a Community of Like-Minded Rebels

Form a local collective of simple living aficionados who are equally concerned about the erosion of rights. 

Host regular meetings where you can share tips on foraging, knitting, and how to make your own toothpaste. 

You can even create a secret handshake to identify fellow rebels in the wild. Just remember, if anyone asks about your meetings, deny everything. 

After all, the last thing you want is for the controllers to catch wind of your plans to overthrow the system one homemade hummus at a time.

Step 6: Write Snail Mail Letters to Your Local Politicians (on Handmade Paper)

Nothing says “I care” like a heartfelt letter written on paper you made yourself from recycled materials. 

Express your concerns about the erosion of rights and the rise of technocracy while also inviting them to your next potluck. 

Who knows? Maybe your local representative will be so charmed by your homemade products that they’ll reconsider their stance on surveillance cameras on every street corner.

Conclusion: The Simple Living Uprising

So there you have it, folks! The simple living response to the challenges of our time is not only practical but also delightfully revolutionary. 

By embracing the art of baking bread, soap-making, growing your own food, and forming a community of like-minded rebels, you can be the bulwark that holds back the rising technocratic tide. 

Remember, every time you choose simplicity over complexity, you’re not just taking back control and living a life of intention - you’re also giving the middle finger to the elite who want to oversee our every move from cradle to grave. 

Now, go forth and wage a beautiful simplicity on the technocratic takeover, one handcrafted item at a time! And don’t forget to document your actions on social media - because if it’s not on the most popular apps, did it even happen? 


February 4, 2025

Certified Simple

You may be certified simple - in a good way - if you engage in a variety of actions that establish your credentials as a serious simplitista.

This certification honours a lifestyle that values simplicity, sustainability, and mindfulness.

For example, if you would rather stick needles in your eyes than go shopping, you may be certifiably simple.

Other signs to watch out for are if you

- grow some of your own food,

- have a composting system,

- have fewer possessions as the years go by,

- try to acquire things you need in the following order, 

Borrow, barter, rent if applicable, find for free, buy used, buy new on sale, and last resort, buy new full price,

- interrupt a walk to pick up rubber bands and other useful things,

- spend more time in nature than your average bear,

- walk, bike, roll, or use public transportation when possible instead of drive,

- repair and mend clothes,

- make your own cleaning products,

- cook your food from scratch, or

- hope to have your personal possessions down to what can fit in a shoebox by the time you leave this materialistic world,

you may be certifiably simple… in a good way. 

A very good way.

Let us know how simplicity manifests in your life in a comment below. 

February 1, 2025

Mary Oliver on Winter Snow

This is what it looks like in the woods in my backyard
right now - a snowy wonderland.

Mary Oliver's poems about winter do more than just describe the season; they explore our deep connection with nature and prompt us to reflect on our place in the world. 

Oliver invites us to appreciate the quiet beauty found in the cold, the stillness, and the brief moments of winter.

Whether you feel peace or sadness during this time, her poetry encourages us to value the meaningful experiences that winter brings and to recognize the fleeting nature of life itself.

First Snow by Mary Oliver

The snow
began here
this morning and all day
continued, its white
rhetoric everywhere
calling us back to why, how,
whence such beauty and what
the meaning; such
an oracular fever! flowing
past windows, an energy it seemed
would never ebb, never settle
less than lovely! and only now,
deep into night,
it has finally ended.

The silence
is immense,
and the heavens still hold
a million candles, nowhere
the familiar things:
stars, the moon,
the darkness we expect
and nightly turn from. 

Trees glitter like castles
of ribbons, the broad fields
smolder with light, a passing
creekbed lies
heaped with shining hills;
and though the questions
that have assailed us all day
remain — not a single
answer has been found –
walking out now
into the silence and the light
under the trees,
and through the fields,
feels like one.

The common comparison of life to a snowflake emphasizes the beauty, fragility, and uniqueness of each person's journey.

Snowflakes are temporary, existing only for a short time before melting away. 

This can serve as a reminder of the impermanence of life and the importance of living in the moment.

Life is too short to fill entirely with work and shopping and little else.

That is why when I leave the house, it is rarely to go into town, and most often is to go into the snowy woods instead.

I want to live as naturally as I can as often as I can, before I melt.

Note - I thought the ''winter snow'' part of 
my title might be redundant, until I remembered that living in Canada I have experienced spring snow, summer snow, and fall snow, in addition to winter snow.

I prefer winter snow.

January 29, 2025

5 Reasons to Embrace Solitude

In a world that clamours for attention, where the hum of technology drowns out the whispers of the wild, I’ve found my sanctuary in solitude. 

As a seasoned wanderer on the road less travelled, I want to share my hard-won wisdom on how to thrive in the quiet, away from the chaos of modern life.

1. Liberation

Let’s get one thing straight: solitude isn’t a prison; it’s a liberation. While most folks fear the silence, I’ve come to revel in it. When you strip away the distractions—those incessant notifications and social obligations—you uncover a treasure trove of self-discovery. In the stillness, I can hear my own thoughts, unfiltered and raw. It’s in these moments that I confront my dreams, my fears, and the freedom-loving spirit that refuses to be tamed.

2. Self-Sufficiency

Renouncing the modern world means shedding the shackles of dependency. In my simple existence, I’ve learned to rely on my own two hands. 

Whether I’m whipping up a wholesome meal from my garden’s bounty or McGyvering something useful from scrap, there’s a primal satisfaction in self-sufficiency. It’s a reminder that I don’t need the system to survive; I can carve my own path, one that’s free from the corporate grind and the consumerist trap.

3. Nature

There’s no better friend than the great outdoors. In solitude, I’ve forged a bond with the land that nourishes me. I spend my days wandering through the woods, feeling the earth beneath my feet and the wind on my face. Nature is a wild teacher, showing me the rhythms of life and the beauty of simplicity. In those quiet moments, I feel a part of something larger—a web of existence that transcends the noise of civilization.

4. Authenticity

When you’re alone, you can finally be yourself—no masks, no pretenses. In the wild embrace of solitude, I’ve discovered my true passions. I explore the depths of my imagination without the weight of judgment. This is where authenticity thrives, where the soul can dance freely, unencumbered by societal expectations. It’s a rebellion against conformity, a declaration of personal independence.

5. Community

Now, don’t get me wrong—solitude doesn’t have to mean total isolation. While I cherish my time alone, I also recognize the value of community. Meaningful connections can spring from the most unexpected of places. 

While I may walk my own path, I’m not alone in my quest for a better world. We’re all part of this grand adventure, each of us a silk thread in the web of life.

As the proverb says, ‘’If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.''


Embracing solitude has been my greatest act of defiance against a world that demands conformity. It’s taught me the art of self-sufficiency, deepened my connection with nature, and allowed me to live authentically. 

If you’re feeling the weight of the world pressing down on you, I urge you to seek out the quiet. In the solitude, you will find the strength and clarity to reclaim your life and live it on your own terms.

January 27, 2025

The De-crapification of Life

Sad to say but everything has been transformed in the great crapification of life. I do believe that it has been happening for my entire lifetime, and probably began before I joined Planet Crap 63 years ago.

Many of our formerly trusted institutions, having been taken over by corruption and greed, are now doing more harm than good. They have been crapified.

Stuff is crapified.

Food is crapified.

Democracy is crapified.

Education is crapified.

Medicine is crapified.

Banking and finance are crapified.

War is crapified.

Jobs are crapified.

Houses are crapified.

Cars are crapified.

Free speech is crapified.

Policing and justice are crapified.

Western civilization itself has been crapified to the core.

While we were all busy working our crap jobs to get crap wages with which to buy crap stuff, the powers that shouldn't be crapified on everything they could get their hands on.

All that was good went down the memory hole to be replaced with you know what. 

The crapification was intentional, done to destroy everything we hold dear. The destruction was done on purpose so that they could "build back better" (remember that crap slogan?). 

But better for whom? For the 1%, that is who.

It doesn't have to be this way, but we have to pay attention in order for things to change. We have to first admit that there is a problem, and that problem is a society-wide distraction by the shiny trinkets of crapsumerism.

At least now as the flow of crappy consumer stuff is slowing down, and as we are less able to afford all that crap because the crap jobs with crap wages are disappearing, we will have more time to pay attention to what is going on in reality. 

You know - the non crap world that most of us don’t even recognize any more.

When we wake up to it all, there is going to be one heck of a crap storm unleashed on those responsible for our sad state of affairs. The clouds are already gathering.

That people-powered disruption will flush all the crap, and the crappers, down the drain. Then WE will decide what to build back for ourselves.

Will 2025 be the beginning of the de-crapification of life?

That is up to us.

Today is a good day to flush the system.

January 17, 2025

Dumb Consumer Item of the Month - Violent Entertainment

Today’s world is an obviously violent place, so why add to that by indulging in consumerism's dumbest and most disgusting product—violent entertainment?

There is power in choosing non-violent entertainment, and that is exactly what we have done in my household.

Several years ago, we banned violent products from our home, figuring that there is no possible way that they can be good for us.

The content we consume can significantly impact our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

As advocates for simple living, self-care, and harmony, it’s essential to reflect on the types of entertainment we allow into our lives.

One powerful step toward fostering a peaceful environment is to consciously choose to avoid violent entertainment.

Research suggests that exposure to violent entertainment can lead to desensitization, increased aggression, and diminished empathy.

Our brains, equipped with mirror neurons, respond to the actions we observe in the same way, whether real or fictional.

This means that when we watch violent scenes, we may experience emotional responses that can affect our perceptions of the world around us. It is hard to believe that it isn’t traumatizing whether we realize and admit it, or not.

Over time, this can contribute to a culture that normalizes aggression and undermines our collective sense of compassion.

By banning violent entertainment in our homes, we take a proactive stance in promoting peace and harmony.

This choice not only sets a positive example for family members, especially children, but also encourages the exploration of alternative content that uplifts and inspires.

Imagine filling your living space with stories that celebrate kindness, creativity, and understanding—narratives that foster connection rather than conflict.

Or are we at the point where we think programming without violence is boring?

Choosing non-violent entertainment opens the door to meaningful conversations about the media we consume.

It encourages us to think critically about the messages conveyed through our screens and to seek out content that aligns with our values of empathy and compassion.

By engaging in discussions about why we avoid violent themes, we cultivate a deeper understanding of the impact of media on our lives and society.

Change begins at home. By making conscious choices about the entertainment we consume, we contribute to a culture that values peace and harmony.

Our individual actions can inspire others to reflect on their viewing habits, creating a ripple effect that extends beyond our households.

In a world that can sometimes feel chaotic, embracing non-violent entertainment is a simple yet powerful way to nurture our well-being and promote a more compassionate society.

Let us commit to fostering environments filled with positivity, understanding, and love—one choice at a time.

In time, those choices will be reflected in a more peaceful world for all of us.

Protect yourself and your family—say NO to violent entertainment in all its varied forms, and see a particularly toxic and dumb consumer item bite the dust.

And if you really must be witness to violence, just watch the news. There is lots of it there. Not recommended for children.

January 13, 2025

Survive and Thrive in 2025

2024 was a year for the record books, and not in a good way. At least we survived to see another one. Many didn’t.

After SARSCov2, we were promised a return to normalcy if all 7 billion of us complied with draconian, and likely illegal, measures. 

But here we are five years later—are we “back to normal” yet? 

Honestly, I didn’t think normal was all that great to begin with, but since 2021, we’ve spiraled from a bad normal to the worst normal of my lifetime.

I won’t bore you with the laundry list of reasons why this is the case; you already know, and I don’t want to drag you down further. 

The truth is, the West has failed catastrophically over the past four or five years, and 2024 put the cherry on top of this dismal cake when it not only condoned global atrocities, but also aided and abetted them with military support and hundreds of billions in taxpayer dollars.

So, what do we do in 2025? 

This fresh year offers a chance to make changes for the better, but it’s going to take more than just wishful thinking. 

I’m committed to working toward the best possible world for myself and others, all while preparing for the worst. It’s a balancing act that we can’t afford to ignore.

I’m done with the hollow promises of a society that’s lost its way. I will survive and thrive despite what the powers that shouldn’t be have planned for us.

I’ll focus on authenticity, self-care, and simplicity. I’ll seek out genuine connections and support smaller scale systems that get work done, rather than getting lost in the noise of a culture wracked with corruption and superficiality.

Let’s face it: the old ways aren’t working. It’s time to carve out a new path, one that prioritizes real change over empty slogans. 

Moving to a more simple lifestyle in consumer nations will be an important part of the solution, and one that anyone anywhere can adopt with immediate results.

Downsizing in tough times makes perfect sense. That means getting rid of debt by focusing on the essentials. Learning to do things for ourselves, and creating  systems of mutual aid on our way toward  living better with less. 

In my experience, it will also increase the enjoyment of life generally. 

How will you survive and thrive in 2025? Let us know in a comment below.

January 1, 2025

Toward a North American Lay Flat Movement

If you are not familiar with the 
Chinese Lying Flat Movement, you can read our post on the topic here. It provides some background to today's discussion.

The "Tang Ping" movement, which translates to "lying flat" in English, emerged in China as a response to societal pressures, particularly among young people. 

It advocates for a lifestyle that rejects the intense competition and high expectations prevalent in modern society, particularly in terms of career success, education, and consumerism. 

Instead, proponents of the movement promote a more minimalist and laid-back approach to life, emphasizing personal well-being over societal expectations.

The Not Buying Anything blog would like to propose a North American Lying Flat Movement to begin in this new year of 2025.

As members of the North American Lay Flat Movement, we would declare our commitment to a life of intentional simplicity, well-being, and authentic connection. 

In a world that often equates worth with relentless productivity and consumption, this movement redefines success on our own terms.

Proposed Principles:

1. Prioritize Well-Being: We believe that mental and physical health are paramount. We reject the notion that our value is determined by our output and instead embrace a lifestyle that nurtures our well-being.

2. Embrace Simplicity: We advocate for a life free from the clutter of excessive consumerism. By simplifying our lives, we create space for what truly matters—relationships, experiences, and personal growth.

3. Challenge Societal Norms: We will question the status quo that glorifies overwork and material accumulation. We stand against the pressures that dictate how we should live and strive to create a culture that values balance and fulfillment.

4. Foster Community: We recognize the importance of connection and support. We commit to building a community that uplifts one another, shares our journeys and celebrates our choices to live authentically.

5. Promote Sustainability: We acknowledge our responsibility to the planet. By choosing to consume less and live more mindfully, we contribute to a sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come.

6. Live Intentionally: We choose to be present in our lives, and make conscious decisions that align with our values. We reject the notion of "hustle culture" and embrace a pace of life that allows for reflection, joy, and creativity.

Our Call to Action:

We invite all who resonate with our vision to join us in this movement. Let us lay flat against the pressures of modern life and rise together in a new paradigm of living. Together, we can create a world where simplicity, well-being, and connection are at the forefront of our lives.

In solidarity, we choose to lay flat, and in doing so, we rise.

Note - thank you to our Chinese brothers and sisters in simplicity for leading the way with their original rebellious and courageous act to do what they can, and choose to lay flat rather than conform to consumerism and wage slavery.