July 25, 2024

Singing The Praises of The Bicycle

Could there be any greater merging of two more lovely things than bicycles and music?

In 1975, as a teen, I listened to the Scottish band Nazareth. One of my favourite songs of theirs was My White Bicycle

It was a song of freedom and rebellion, two things I was (and still am) very much into.

"My white bicycle, my white bicycle.
Riding all around the street 
Four o'clock and they're all asleep.
I'm not tired and it's so late 
Moving fast everything looks great." 

This song, originally recorded by the UK band Tomorrow in 1967, was inspired by the Dutch underground White Bicycle Project in 1964. 

They collected several hundred bikes, painted them white then left them around Amsterdam.

The white bikes could be used by anyone who needed a ride. 

Or just to feel free and rebellious.  

The bicycle as we know it today came about in 1885, and the first song that mentions bicycles that I could find was written in 1892. That would be Bicycle Built For Two, by British songwriter Harry Dacre.

There are many, many songs that celebrate bicycles. 

I do believe that is because the bicycle is a thing of simplicity, efficiency, and beauty. 

It may be the premier invention of all time.

Next to music, of course.

What a combo.

''The rain comes down but I don't care. 
The wind is blowing in my hair. 
Seagulls flying in the air.

My white bicycle.''

July 22, 2024

Brave New 1984

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever."
- George Orwell

"Did anyone actually read 1984 by George Orwell or Brave New World by Aldous Huxley? 
These classic dystopian novels warned us about the dangers of totalitarianism and the loss of individual freedom. 
Instead of heeding these warnings, the rich and powerful used them as "how-to" manuals to control and manipulate the masses.
Unfortunately, these books describe our current reality all too well. 

Massive changes are needed, and most of us can see that. 
But who will lead these changes? The same people who got us into this mess promise to fix it, and if we don't do anything, their plan will be imposed upon us without our consent.
It's time for us to take charge. We need to make decisions for ourselves, not rely on politicians who only serve their own interests and big business. 

They've lost our trust, and it's up to us to save ourselves and our communities.
Practice some quiet quitting by quietly and calmly rejecting consumerism and taking back your life. 

That's a great place to start, and one that will get us on the spot we need to be to continue our fight to free ourselves.

"Only the vigilant can maintain their liberties, and only those who are constantly and intelligently on the spot can hope to govern themselves effectively by democratic procedures. 

A society, most of whose members spend a great part of their time, not on the spot, not here and now and in their calculable future, but somewhere else, in the irrelevant other worlds of sport and soap opera, of mythology and metaphysical fantasy, will find it hard to resist the encroachments of those would manipulate and control it.” 

Aldous Huxley

July 16, 2024

Nature is Pure

Wind stirs;
Waterfall sends cold sounds
Moonrise over the foothills
Shines its light on my bamboo window.
Dearer with age,
These mountains ways.
If I die at the foot of this cliff,
Even my bones will be pure.

Jakushitsu (1290–1367)

The struggle of civilization vs nature has been a common theme in literature from The Epic of Gilgamesh to Lord of The Flies.

After a lifetime of reading, I still don't know if humanity is essentially good or evil. 

But I do think that nature is pure. 

Since we are part of nature, we could also be pure, if we tried.

But have we, as a species, ever really tried?

Whenever the stench of civilization gets to be too much, I go to nature.

Lately, I have been going a lot.

Like the American nature writer John Burroughs, "I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order."

My forays into the wild always make me feel better. 

It works. 

Safe and effective.

True story.

Maybe some day, with enough exposure to nature, even my bones will be pure.

July 11, 2024

Renounce, Reject, Relinquish

Move over reduce, reuse, recycle. You are so, like, 1970s. 

Make room for renounce, reject, and relinquish - the new Three Rs.

What are we turning away from, abandoning, or giving up? 

Worldliness, which is an early word that can be used to describe the capitalist consumer scam.

Worldliness is common today, dominant in the west, but has not been recommended by any world religion for thousands of years.

All religions warn of the dangers of indulging in "worldly things".

A person can say no to worldly life for many good reasons. Spirituality is only one, albeit, a good one.

Nothing represents the worldly life more than consumerism gone wild. In this mode of living, a person goes all in on hard core materialism to the detriment of everything else.

Swami Vivekananda has pointed out that renunciation is absolutely crucial when choosing non-material pursuits.

He says,

"Renounce the lower so that you may get the higher. Renounce! Renounce! Sacrifice! Give up! Not for zero. Not for nothing. But to get the higher."

Consumerism is the lower. It must be left behind in order for one to experience that which is higher. 

Many sages across the ages have told us that one cannot be free as long as covetousness exists. 

All advertising is brainwashing to specifically get us to covet things, work hard to get money, then spend it buying all those coveted things that promise happiness, but only perpetuate misery.

When we say no to all that, we reap the benefits that come with that courageous act.

When one lives a simple life, being able to say no is a necessary skill, and one that I have finely honed.

I frequently need to say, "NO".

That is because I long ago renounced it all. I reject it in its entirety. 

I relinquish The Machine's hold on me. I let it all go in favour of a simple and free life of less.

These are my new favourite R-words.

Renounce. Reject. Relinquish.

Practice with me.

"No. No. No."

"No, thank you."


Repeat as required.

June 30, 2024

Addicted to Simple Living

This is your brain.

This is your brain on shopping.

The official term for being addicted to shopping is oniomania. It is probably more common than we care to admit.

It sounds like a funny name, but the situation is absolutely humourless, despite common light-hearted enabling phrases like "shop till you drop", "shop fearlessly", or "when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping".

Also known as Compulsive Buying Disorder, it defines the buying everything approach that business people love so much. 

They would like nothing more than giving us all a case of CBD. 

Human nature is susceptible to addictions generally, making shopping and spending money a potentially dangerous activity for many, perhaps most consumers. 

It has devastating effects for individuals, families, and the planet.

Better to develop what 
author William Glasser calls positive addictions.

He says that positive addictions can strengthen us and make our lives more satisfying. Two examples he uses are running and meditation.

"If more of us gain strength," Glasser says, "maybe we will make a better world; there is little chance we will do so if too many of us are weak."

Positive addictions, unlike their unhealthy counterparts, enhance our lives.

An addiction to conspicuous consumption, and the daily grind of competing for fewer and fewer resources, is keeping us weak. 

Speaking from personal experience, simple living can become a powerful positive addiction. 

An "addiction" to simplicity can help one overcome negative addictions, and lead to an integrated and rewarding life.

It is the basis from which to recover and start building a better world for all.

Just say YES... 

...to the calling of the simple life.

June 28, 2024

United Nations of Simplicity

The Not Buying Anything blog has an international readership. 

We are a virtual United Nations of Simplicity.

Our neighbours to the south in the USA remain the largest contingent of visitors here.

That makes sense as North America is the most consumer oriented place in the world, and more and more of us are exploring the benefits of a simpler lifestyle that may be more appropriate for what is shaping up to be the New Normal. 

Both Canada (4th most visitors) and the U.S. have long traditions of simplicity that have long been superseded by rank consumerism.

Henry David Thoreau himself would undoubtedly be retreating back to his cabin in the woods if he were around today.

Over the past year we have had several new countries in the #1 visitors category.

Singapore, Hong Kong, China, and Russia account for most of these newer guests.

Living a quiet life in rural Nova Scotia, Canada, it is a thrill for us to connect with people from so many places around the world right from our humble home. 

I wonder what other countries, who may live more simply than we do in North America, think of our version of the simple life.

It may be like Chinese food.

Question: What do they call Chinese food in China? 

Answer: Food.

It is the same with simplicity.

Question: What do they call simple living in most parts of the world?

Answer: Living.


There is something there for us to learn from.

Many in North America, and other parts of the world, may be returning to simple living, but many people around the world have never left it.

Top Visiting Nations To Our Blog

1. United States

2. United Kingdom

3. Singapore

4. Canada

5. Hong Kong

6. Russia

7. Australia

8. France

9. Germany

10. Sweden

11. Spain

12. Netherlands

13. India

14. Ukraine

15. New Zealand

16. China

17. Indonesia

18. Philippines

June 26, 2024

Work and Simple Living Research


I have never liked working for a boss. I would rather work for myself. I didn't have to do any research to come to that conclusion.

From the very beginning of my time in the workforce, I felt like I was being exploited.

Why did I feel this way? I can't say for sure, except that it just didn't feel right for me.

Maybe it was from watching too much Monty Python:

“Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I’m being repressed!”

My eighteen year old self vowed to escape the paid work world as soon as possible. 

I certainly did not want to wait until my official retirement age that seemed so very far in the future. 


Images of flying cars, world peace, and all inclusive vacations on Mars. Ha!

Back in 1979, planning to work till my most robust and energetic years were over was not an option.

It wasn't that I didn't want to work. Being alive means having to work, and there is no way around this.

Over the years both Linda and I had jobs, bosses, and coworkers that we enjoyed a great deal. 

However, we wanted the conditions of our work to benefit us more directly. 

For example, instead of working for someone else, getting paid, then buying food, we wanted to work at growing and preparing the food directly ourselves.

Living more simply, and concentrating our efforts on reducing expenditures, eventually led to an early retirement for both Linda and I.

I was 40 and she was 35.

We went into semi-retirement at that time, and fully retired to the simple life a few years later.

Anyone that has tried knows that living simply can be a lot of work, but doing so remains the most enjoyable and satisfying work we have ever done. 

What is your thinking on work and living simply? 

I am interested in your experience, as is Michael B. Harari, PhD. 

He is a work psychologist that also wants to know how the role of work is managed by simple living people, including those that frequent this blog.

He sent me the following email:

"Hi Gregg. I'm a work psychologist and professor of Human Resource Management at FAU in Boca Raton, FL. I'm also a simple liver. 
There is an academic literature dealing with simplicity and I've noted in reviewing it that many studies suggest that work plays an important role in people's efforts to live more simply. 
However, there isn't much research that helps to understand the specifics of this dynamic - for instance, what specific barriers does work present people who are trying to live simply? 
What about workplaces, work cultures, or work arrangements makes it easier for people to live simply? What do people who embrace simplicity look for in jobs?

To address these points, we are conducting interviews with people who pursue simple living. We so far have recruited participants from the reddit "simple living" section. It has gone well, but we are need in more participants.
To thank people for participating in these 30 minute interviews, we are donating $10 to the World Wildlife Fund for each interview conducted, so there is a good cause attached. 
We also hope that this work can contribute to making a difference in people's lives. Of course, one study in isolation cannot do this, but we are working on developing a broader base of academic literature to help to understand the work-simple living interface which, we hope, can have an impact in time.

Thanks for your consideration,

Michael B. Harari, PhD

If you are interested in sharing your ideas around simple living and work in a 30 minute interview, the good professor can be reached at: 


Tell him the Not Buying Anything Blog sent you.

Please feel free to also share your ideas in our comment section below. 

June 25, 2024

Free At Last

"Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love."

- Julian Assange

As of yesterday, Julian Assange's freedom is pending. It seems too good to be true. We will have to wait and see.

However, for now he is out of prison, and free for the first time since WikiLeak's 2010 release of almost half a million documents relating to US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

"One of the best ways to achieve justice is to expose injustice."

- Julian Assange
So much injustice. So little time.
There is still much work to be done. 
Carry on, Mr. Assange, and, thank you for your sacrifice.
Free at last.

June 22, 2024

Return of the Dumb Phone


I have a dumb phone. 

Phones like it were rendered very uncool at the end of the 2000s when smart phones started flooding the market.

I guess I am uncool - a dumb phone has always been enough for me. 

No internet connection. No social media. No apps to download. No constant on and available.

My flip phone only does voice and text, and that is all I want it to do. 

Most of the time I have it turned off, sometimes for days at a time.

That makes sense as I am a Neo-Luddite, low-tech, anti-surveillance, privacy-seeking, frugal, aging, simple living type.

But why are more and more GenZers opting for the same style of simple phone?

Some similar reasons, as it turns out. 

Mostly, though, to rid one's life of meaningless and potentially harmful digital distractions.

An increasing number of young people have concerns with privacy (or the lack of it), are burning out on the perpetual connectivity, and are digitally detoxing. 

Dumb phones, as a result, are increasing in sales, a form of reverse progress.

It turns out that those expensive, complicated, overbuilt, intrusive, smartypants phones may not be that smart for users of any age, but especially children and teens.

Research has shown that children without smart phones generally do better on a variety of factors than those with the devices. The longer a child delays adopting a smartphone, the better the outcomes.

Excessive screen time on mobile devices can result in a number of negative side effects for users of any age, including "sleep disorders, reduced glucose tolerance, increased blood pressure, and increased inflammatory markers".

Wait - there is more! 

Anxiety, stress, and "reduced social connectivity". 

Also, decreased attention spans, and the dreaded Cell Phone Neck Syndrome, a common repetitive stress injury from constantly looking down at The Screen.

As if that isn't enough, there is also the fact that smart phones are essentially data mining devices. And your data is the mine being exploited. 

Your personal data, which some people think you should own outright, is worth multi-billions to website owners and advertisers. 

The personal data for 18–24-year-olds is more sought after than any other demographic. 

The are The Target. 

Big Data wants your info in order to convince you to open your wallet through subtle digital manipulation.

Dumb phones are a way people can fight back and quit supporting Big Data, and social media platforms that are made purposefully addictive.

I hope Gen Z is actually simplifying, because that would be great for everyone. 

A smartphone costs a small fortune, while a dumb phone comes in at a fraction of the price.

More likely though, a Gen Zer will have two phones - a smart phone for when they want to be connected, and a dumb phone when they want to take a break.

Perhaps the dumb phone will help them see the light, and they will lead the way for the rest of society in tossing the "smarter" variety and relying solely on the "dumb" one.

When we limit our exposure to the digital dystopia, we begin to build healthier relationships in our communities where the real things that directly affect our lives are actually happening.

That is a good thing, for GenZ, and everyone else.

What is your phone? 

Smart, or dumb. 

Or both? 

Or neither? 

June 19, 2024

10 Frugal Tips for Hard Times

The Frugal Meal, Pablo Picasso

At one time frugality meant survival. It may again, and probably sooner than later. 

When this happens people will turn away from the marketplace, and rely on themselves and their communities to meet their needs.

Many wants will go out the window, but we may be better off without them.

Self-reliance, cooperation, and frugality will be the new currencies, ones that can't be inflated away.

In hard times frugality makes the difference between hardship, and getting by. 

Our very survival will depend on it again.

Frugal Tips For Hard Times

 1. Don't pay to have someone else do something you can do for yourself.

2. A cow and/or chickens and a garden can mean the difference between a fed family and famine.

3. Pay for things with goods or services rather than cash.

4. Eat low on the food chain. Beans, rice, and lentils can go a long way.

5. Keep everything small and simple and fly below the radar.

6. Learn and use the wisdom of Elders, as well as the enthusiasm and robustness of Youth. 

7. Cook/bake/make as much as you can from scratch.

8. Learn to hunt/trap/fish. You may never need these skills, but in the event that you do, it may be too late to learn.

9. Go car free, now, if you can.

10. Practice fix and repair to make things last.

If there was a most important life skill to learn today, it would be frugality.

It is an essential survival skill in good times, and in hard.

What are your favourite frugal tips?

June 18, 2024

Don't Waste - Look, Smell, Taste

"65 per cent of respondents report throwing out unopened food because its “best before” date has passed."  
- Agri-Foods Analytics 

Food past the best before date? Wait!

Don't throw it out just yet.

Best before dates have less to do with food safety, and more to do with peak freshness.

Once past the BBD, a food may not be as fresh, but it also may not be dangerous to eat.

With groceries getting more dear all the time, we must do everything we can to reduce waste and get our moneys worth out of the foods we buy.

That is why one campaign to decrease food waste asks consumers thinking about tossing products past their BBD to Look, Smell, and Taste first.

If the product passes the test, it is probably safe to eat.

By reducing food waste, we can reduce the impact of inflation, and perhaps even come out ahead in the end.

Look. Smell. Taste.

Then, if it passes, Eat and Enjoy while reducing waste, avoiding a potential poisoning, and saving money.

Note: those over 60 years of age may need to be careful as a reduction in the effectiveness of the senses may make this form of food testing less accurate.

June 16, 2024

Aging Out Of Consumerism

Watch for this to be promoted as "active living" for seniors.

"For the rest of the 21st century, the fastest-growing consumer group in the world will be people over the age of 60."

Oh, no.

Consumers have a best before date, and many of us around the world are reaching it.

It is a demonstrable fact that older people consume less.

With our current demographic shifts toward a higher percentage of older folks, the proponents of consumerism are panicking.

What will those who profit from it do when it all collapses due to the wrinklies tapping out?

They are desperately trying to find out why old people eventually give up on the shopping lifestyle.

Is it because the elderly already had everything they needed decades ago? 

It can't be - when has having everything  ever stopped people from buying more?

Or do we all eventually age out of doing self-harmful things once we become wise enough?

Let's face it - recreational shopping is an exhausting and taxing endeavour. 

Buying stuff is another full time job that must be managed. 

All that searching, buying, carrying home, storing, and maintenance takes a lot of time and energy, not to mention cold har cash.

A lifetime of acquisition is a slog to the end, when finally we all feebly raise the white flag atop our pile of mostly useless stuff, and retreat to a calmer lifestyle free of the obsession to own more.

As we age a lot of things change, including the fact that the psychological boost from buying ceases to give the kick that it used to. 

Our priorities begin to change. 

The older we get the more we come to realize there are more important things in life than frantically chasing after ever more stuff and "experiences". 

We learn that the relationships we have with the life around us is where it is at.

We realize that no one wishes they shopped more when on their death bed, and tap out before it's too late.

But don't count out the consumer scammers just yet. 

They have a solution to their demographic challenges, and that is to promote "active aging". 

That is code for "lets keep the oldies buying our stuff and services as long as we can".

I don't think they will be successful. Highly experienced folks are too smart for that. 

Old folks will continue to quit the marketplace, and retire from shopping to a slower, simpler, more satisfying end of life.

My prediction is that the growing grey tsunami will crash over the creaking consumer commercial enterprise and wash the whole thing into the ocean of history.

As a simple living old fogey myself, I look forward to hastening that process.