What do you do if you have received a gag gift? Say, "thank you"? Then what?
Re-gift it?
Store it in your closet of gag gifts?
Hang on to it because it has sentimental value?
Put it on display in your home?
Give it back next Christmas?
Ultimately, the gag gift is destined for the same place as most of our other useless stuff - the dump.
Since virtually everyone has stuff at home they don’t want, why not suggest an eco-friendly white elephant or secret santa where you can’t buy anything - it has to be something you already own that you don’t want.
It seems unwise to use valuable, depleted resources to manufacture a useless thing, ship it large distances, then have someone pay money for it to give to someone else who will ''enjoy’’ it for a few minutes, then throw out a few hours later.
Giving nothing would be the better gift choice. And I don’t mean buying a jar of nothing at the dollar store, although technically an empty jar can come in handy at times.
Give Mother Nature a gift this Christmas and make your own gag gifts using things you already have at home and don’t use.
That could be funny, and potentially useful as well.
What do you do if you receive a gag gift? Let us know in a comment below.
When I visit someone without a gift (if expected at all) all I say is: I brought myself and my interest in you. I can't remember hearing regrets ever.
ReplyDeleteBest gift ever, to give someone else your time and attention.
Delete- Gregg