August 22, 2024

Beautiful World

''When I first open my eyes upon the morning meadows and look out upon the beautiful world, I thank God I am alive.''

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The view from my bedroom window is the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning, and it never fails to bring me joy.
In these uncertain times, I feel fortunate to be exactly where I am.
I am vital, I am alive, and despite the chaos in the world, my current surroundings fill me with gratitude for life.
Wishing you all health and happiness, dear, gentle, simple living readers.
Life is short, so let's make the most of it with what we have, where we are, in this moment.

"Be where you are, otherwise you will miss your life." - Buddha


  1. My internet failed just as I was posting, so this may be a repeat!

    "I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days..." Henry David Thoreau

    1. Anonymous8/22/2024

      That is my kind of rich.

      - Gregg

  2. Your place is amazing! For reasons I won't specify I could't live in the contryside (but that's nothing compared to where you are, in a densely populated contry like mine) anymore, where I grew up. I'd have a much bigger house and more green if I'd stayed. But feeling rich, very rich in my tiny city apartment, with tiny yard, but a thick line of trees and bushes behind my private yard. That's what I wake up to see. I'm having the best of both worlds, the diverse social life of an international city and the feeling of living in a village inside a big city. I wouldn't move if I could.

    1. Anonymous8/23/2024

      Your situation sounds absolutely wonderful, and exciting. Tiny is good. We are looking to go tinier in our living arrangements.

      - Gregg


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