August 2, 2024

Heaven and Hell

Globally, the concepts of heaven and hell vary greatly. 

To existentialist philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre, hell was ''other people''. Heaven, in that case, would be sweet solitude.

For others, heaven is angels playing harps lounging on puffy clouds and visiting long dead friends and family, while hell is a place of fire and brimstone where all the food served is burnt to an even crisp.

Generally we think of heaven and hell as places that are off-world. 

They are also in the future because you need to die to experience them, wherever they happen to be.

But both heavenly and hellish experiences also happen in the here and now.

These are my personal images of heaven and hell.

Right here on Earth.


My personal hell on Earth is a mall. Any mall, anywhere. 

The only bliss I could experience here would be in escaping this horrid landscape of temptations, debt, and wickedness.

Don't be fooled. The devil is here, too, promising the world to all who dare to enter, but only delivering misery and regret.


Heaven is being in nature. Any nature, anywhere. 

The little slice of paradise in the photo above is in the valley behind my home. 

Is this not the abode of god? Is god not everywhere and in everything before me?

In this place, surrounded by Creation, I experience extreme bliss. 

And it is free. There is no need for money in heaven.

The demons always require you to make a bargain. They will take your money, and your life.

I don't know where I'm going after I die. But I do know where I'm NOT going while I'm alive.


  1. Oh my, that mall truely looks like hell. Fortunately in my country we don't have places like that yet. But some come close. Especially Schiphol airport, take off/arrival halls custom free shopping areas. Now I don't fly, but work brings me there once a year or so. Even half as ugly as yout picture, every time it's a horror experience.

  2. Oh boy I am right there with you Gregg. All malls are foul, I've never been in one as big as that monstrosity in that photo and God willing, never will be. Hideous. I feel anxious just looking at it to be honest. Nature however, is beautiful. Quiet is beautiful. Solace is beautiful and so are one or two close friends or family quietly enjoying each others company. Every day I strive to meet as few people as I possibly can and stay away from crowds wherever possible. Today we have fresh white snow on the hills outside the window. That is the best thing I have seen through a (window) screen for a while.


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