August 13, 2024

Carbon Footprint of War

Industrialized consumption and industrialized warfare are two sides of the same coin.  

We can't have one without the other. It's a package deal. 

They get insane profits from endless war, and we get McJobs, cheap TVs, and the choice to heat, or eat.

What I want to know is what the carbon footprint of WWIII will be.

"The stark figures," The Guardian reported in 2021, "are supported by Brown University's "Costs of War Project", which in 2019 said the US military was "the largest single source of greenhouse gas emissions in the world". 

Do all concerned eco-politicians really want to go net zero? 

Electric tanks anyone? 

If they performed as dismally as the electric cars they expect us all to buy, they might as well just surrender right now.

Or are the sacrifices only for the little people? You know, the ones that are called up to fight in all the endless wars.

Why should we be banning gas stoves, farming, and internal combustion engines, when we could just ban the industrial military complex and the wars it enables, encourages, and needs to survive?

Why aren't we banning industrialized state murder, for you know, the climate emergency. 

Or is it not that much of an emergency? Because you aren't acting like it is when you plan on sustaining one of the largest GHG sources indefinitely.

Which kills more, the war machine, or climate change?

A fringe benefit of ridding the world of the scourge of the industrialized murder complex, would be to help keep millions of innocent civilian victims alive, which is also a priority, isn't it? 

It should be.

The war industry and the industrial consumer complex, even if we do nothing at all, are doomed to failure in the upcoming years.

Here is why. 

The growth in global oil production is approaching its end, before a terminal decline sets in.

Neither industrial war nor industrial consumerism is desirable, or sustainable, and therefore, their days are numbered.

As Albert Einstein told us, WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones.

That should lower warfare's carbon footprint (and death count) considerably.

"Military carbon emissions have largely been exempted from international climate treaties dating back to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol after lobbying from the United States."

- Democracy Now


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/22/2024

    I agree! Bombs undo all our effort and sacrifice. War creates a wasteland! Annie


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