September 24, 2023

Military Consumerism Killing It

If WWIII broke out, and I hadn't used any platform available to me to speak out, I would regret my inaction. 

In that light, a few thoughts concerning the insanity of a system that needs a thriving military consumer complex to function.

* Military consumerism, when governments go shopping for weapons to murder their enemies, is the worst type of consumerism, and it has the largest, most destructive and terrifying ecofootprint of all. But no green plan I am aware of is suggesting we tackle that contribution to climate change. They will, however, ban you from using your gas stove. Why not ban war instead?

* You don't fight for peace. You peace for peace.

* A person doesn't really support peace if they simultaneously support any state's declaired right to unleash violence on peaceful peoples.

* Follow the money. War is one of the most profitable ventures going, and always has been. The lucrative violence will continue until we stop that.

* If all military spending was repurposed for peacetime projects, there is no challenge humanity couldn't meet.

* Whatever violence a state is allowed to unleash on people of other countries will eventually be used on its own people.

* We are all Palestinians now, in one giant open air prison complex. They see us as potential terrorists first, hosts for their parasitism next, and citizens/voters last. 

* Do what you are told or you will be labeled a far-right, fascist, anti-science nazi and will be deplatformed, debanked, fired, and unhoused. 

* If that state sponsored violence doesn't shut you up, expect to be falsely charged, convicted, and jailed. Assanged, in other words.

* What those of us in formerly semi-democratic nations used to call a peaceful protest is now viewed as a riot or insurrection by power-hungry governments. In my own country, Canada, a peaceful protest in Ottawa was seen as the greatest threat to the government since the beginning of this sad state, and an emergency of the highest order was declared in order to violently force peaceful citizens down. Why didn't they just sit down and talk with them?

* The largest purveyors of misinformation, malinformation and disinformation are all state actors. This is commonly used to advertise and market wars. Governments call it "governing". But when they say you are spreading lies, you will be charged and convicted of a crime.

* Trust is gone, leaving only illegitimate rulers and institutions teetering on the brink of extinction. Or revolution. Or both.

* Fighting for peace. Ukrainian officials say, "The weapons plan is the peace plan", which is just a variation on War is Peace. Some plan.

* George Carlin said long ago, "Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity." 

* Canada has given more than $8 billion dollars to Ukraine's failed War is Peace program, and has just pledged almost $1 billion more. That's a whole lot of peace. Surely there will be a resolution, soon. Right?

* Military consumerism is the most disgusting, destructive brand of consumerism ever. But they are just killing it this year. The death and destruction market is having its best year ever, reaching a record global high in spending - $2.2 trillion. Profits have never been higher. At the same time, regular consumer spending has dropped as people pull back in the middle of a cost of living crisis in order to afford essentials like food and rent. I wonder if these are somehow connected...

* War and military consumerism will not stop until we, the people, stop it. How many more trillions of our money, and how many more lives will be wasted before we take action?

May peace be with you. The change begins with ourselves, bringing our inner peace to the world as a gift to all.

Let us look forward to the time we hear, 

"After massive global protests and general strikes, peace has broken out! 

The military consumerism complex is being dismantled forever in favour of things that actually benefit all of humanity, and not just a small parasitic group that use to profit off of global death and destruction."


Peace before profits.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/24/2023

    To quote a quote you quoted, “That war only made billionaires out of millionaires. Today's war is making trillionaires out of billionaires. Now I call that progress.”
    ― Kurt Vonnegut Jr.



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