June 27, 2019

Real Freedom Is In The Wild

Me enjoying the wild while sea kayaking on Sechelt Inlet, British Columbia (in the 90s).

"Real freedom lies in wildness, not in civilization." 
- Charles Lindbergh

I wear civilization like a straitjacket. I find it binding in all the wrong places. Thankfully, I have been an accomplished escapist, and I squirm out of it as frequently as possible to get a freedom that is not possible in the tamed world.

The place to get that, is in the wild.

It has always been that way for me - from an early age I have sought to vanish into the wilderness, and feel the energy of real freedom course through me. 

In the wild, nature's laws apply, rather than the arbitrary rules of lesser beings. In spite of the many dangers, I am never afraid in the wild. I can't say the same for the notably uncivilized state of our artificially complex society. I find that world to be very scary.

That is because in the human experience there are many laws for the ruled, and lawlessness for the rulers. This condition has brought us to where we are today.

It is counterproductive to be bound by the intellectual straitjackets of conservative or liberal ideology. My views are directed by nature, and my love is of systems that integrate us into a humble and inclusive more-than-human world.

I like to put some distance between myself and the "civilized world" as often as possible. It has always been that way.

The wildness is where I go to feel untamed, and to roam at will. The wildness is where I go to feel real freedom.

“We need the tonic of wildness... 
At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. 
We can never have enough of nature.” 

― Henry David Thoreau


  1. Amen. I too love to be outside, whether i the garden or just walking along the river at night. I long for the outdoors. Ant I just got two bridesmaid dresses and a wedding dress into the shop in the last 1/2 hour. Which means along with the umpteen other dresses I am stuck in the dungeon for days to come. But believe me I will be outside picking beans and at the river tonight. When this house is paid off I am going on a work mission and then we will minimalist build or buy something. Plans within plans.....

    1. Picking beans and walking by the river sounds wonderful. That is the kind of stuff that makes our dungeons more bearable.

      May your plans lead you to the place you wish to go. A plan is a good way to manifest what you want out of life.

  2. Anonymous6/27/2019

    Yeah, I need my regular runs through the woods. Have you read Feral by George Monitor.


    1. Hey, Alex. I have not read "Feral" by G. Monitor, but you know I will be looking it up. Thanks. Good to hear you are still out there.

    2. George Monbiot, that is.

      “Rewilding is not about abandoning civilization but about enhancing it. It is to ‘love not man the less, but Nature more’.”

  3. Anonymous6/27/2019

    Agreed! Even in the suburbs I get outside all I can. Surprises me how many of my neighbors don't seem to get outside much more than to walk to their car or the mail box. Love the photo...! - Mary

    1. I often wonder about how much other people get outside and into nature. Very little for the average person, I suspect. A shame, really, as the great outdoors has proven therapeutic effects.

      Back in the day, whole armies used to walk thousands of miles just for the opportunity to smote a foe. Pilgrims made fantastic walking journeys while on spiritual quests. Pioneers walked across the continent looking for a better life.

      And now we can't even walk to the corner store. No wonder we are all so sick and tired of the routine of modern life.


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