December 31, 2023

Make Life Funny Again

Does anyone remember laughter?

It hasn't been funny out there for years, and 2023 was no different.

It was plain tragic. Not even tragic funny, just tragic.

Living in such a humourless world has repercussions on human health. Deaths of despair are increasing, each one of them decidedly unfunny. 

Wouldn't you rather die laughing? I would.

We need our laughter like we need love, or food.

It is a scientifically proven method to improve health. 

Here is what the science says laughter does for us:

* relaxes the whole body. 

* boosts the immune system. 

* triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals.
* protects the heart. 

* burns calories. 

* promotes mental health. 

The world needs more funny. Way more funny. 

We are desperate for something to laugh at, like we used to before the Behemoths of Bummer took over.

We need a constant drip of hilarity. No amount is too much. 

However, when your face starts hurting it's probably time for a break.


A day without a good belly laugh is a day wasted.

Make life funny again.

Here's to a more humorous year in 2024.


  1. I seek humor. People tell me I am funny. Right now, I am with a humorless person. But, lots of things in life are funny. Some people don't see it. I am not talking about racist, sexist, and homophobic things that pass for humor with some people.

    1. Anonymous1/06/2024

      I agree that there is lots in life that is funny. The way we are governed is not one of them.

      Sorry about your person that has lost their humour. Not funny, and sad. I can see how it might happen, though. These are tough times that seem to be getting tougher.

      Keep on seeking that humour, though. It is so good for you.

      - Gregg


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