December 5, 2023

The Phucked Up Phour Aphecting Our Health

There is a terrible trio that preys on us and our health. 

1. Big Phood - where it all starts, which is addicting us to their processed crap and making us sick.

2. Big Pharma - which profits from treating the effects of Big Phood's poisons.

3. Big Government - the enabler and protector of the sickness care scam.

And when you add one more main participant, you get the Fucked up Four.

4. Big Medicine - it sucks more of the people's money than any other expenditure, but has little to show for it in the average person's health and well being.

It's a grift, and more people are wising up to the scam.

Some are beginning to wonder if, on the whole, the Phucked Up Phour have done more damage than good. 

Medical errors are one of the main causes of death, and all cause mortality has been up in most modern countries with high tech health care since the pandemic launched. 

The authorities have been ignoring these excessive deaths after 3 years of obsessively tabulating deaths from a certain sickness deemed "the most important in a century", even though other scenarios cause more deaths every year.

Failure after failure. If you can profit handsomely from failure, why even try to succeed? What is the incentive?

My health care plan is to eat only wholesome foods (grown in the garden as much as possible) that we have cooked ourselves, exercise, hydrate, get plenty of sleep, and live a low stress life with lots of time in nature.

And stay away from mainstream doctors and hospitals unless bleeding uncontrollably. 

Or if you have a steel bar sticking out of your head after an industrial accident. 

They are very good at fixing that kind of thing.


  1. Anonymous12/06/2023

    Please read before quoting that medical errors are the third leading cause of death.

    1. Anonymous12/06/2023

      "One of the leading causes of death" is what I said, and I believe that is accurate. And besides, those are only the ones they admit to when they are caught outright. If they are first doing no harm, how are they even in the top 10? We know that profit is usually the main motive, and whether treatments are efficacious is secondary. They are often NOT effective, or safe. See the past three years of medical errors forced on us by failing fascists that fail faster than farts flee from fat cat asses.

      - Gregg

  2. Anonymous12/06/2023

    So obvious, but never really spoken about. Not sure about medical errors, but medication and poly-pharmacy iatrogenic harm is around the 4th leading cause.

    1. Anonymous12/07/2023

      The elderly are most at risk. Often have been prescribed multiple medications. There is a pill for everything. Sometimes they take pills to take care of the effects of other pills.

      Best to stay away, if you can. Good health is no mistake, nor is it a mystery. It starts with food.

      - Gregg

    2. Anonymous12/09/2023

      From the BMJ, potentially the third leading cause of death:

  3. Anonymous12/07/2023

    An interesting post, but I don't see the need to use profanity in the title. I am so tired of seeing f*** everywhere and there was absolutely no need to use it here.

    1. Anonymous12/07/2023

      In just over 2,000 published posts I have used profanity a handful of times. You will be happy to note that there is no trend forming here, nor do I intend on starting one. I did fix the title, and hopefully made it a little less abrasive. Thank you for your feedback.

      - Gregg

    2. That's so funny. The use of profanity was so out of place for Greg that I just HAD to click on it to read what it was about, lol.

  4. Anonymous12/08/2023

    Love it! And the profanity. If you can’t use the “f word for something as crazy and sad as the sick care system…

    Gregg, you are right on. I would add Fear as #5. It is pointless, drains our physical, emotional, and spiritual reserves, and leads to bad decisions. I’m making a concerted effort to read joyful things, be around joyful people, and enjoy as much time in nature as possible. Peace, Erin


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