December 9, 2023

Can't Wrap That

During a cost of living crisis is a good time to consider a Buy Nothing Christmas.

The best gifts in life can't be bought anyway.

They don't come from corporations, or retail outlets, and you won't find them for sale on the internet. 

They aren't advertised, and you can't buy them regardless of how much money you have.

And they don't require wrapping.

How do you buy and wrap a sunset?

A smile?

Helping each other?



and understanding?

Priceless, precious gifts.

Can't wrap that.


  1. Anonymous12/10/2023

    With COP 28 going on - attended on mass by lobbyists from big meat and dairy - maybe it's time to turn down festive consumption since climate breakdown is on the way, but I could be missing something.

    1. Anonymous12/10/2023

      If they haven't got it together by now (and they don't), they never will. They have a different agenda.

      It is up to us. There is nothing festive about climate breakdown.

      - Gregg

  2. I so much agree with you with my whole heart. We need peace, love, a smile and just be with the one's we love. In our family, we give each other hugs and some consumables ( food or personal higiene goods- but without peace and love the food doesn't taste as good) and a small paper (not a postcard) with loving words.Thank you very much for beeing an inpiration and putting into words what we feel but sometines don't know how to express. I wish you, Greg and Linda peace, love and a smile .

    1. Anonymous12/10/2023

      Same to you, Elizabete. Your celebration of love sounds wonderful.

      - Gregg and Linda


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