January 26, 2021

Daily Activities

What is simple living? 

You might think there was a simple answer considering the subject matter, but no. 

Layman Pang, a lay Buddhist in the Zen tradition who lived from 740–808, wrote:

“My daily activities are not unusual,
I’m just naturally in harmony with them. 
Grasping nothing, discarding nothing. 
In every place there’s no hindrance, no conflict. 
How miraculous and wondrous: 
Drawing water and chopping wood.”

This is a perfect description of what simple living means to me.

Mostly just ordinary daily activities done mindfully, with a joyful attitude, and with the least amount of resistance to the moment.

How miraculous and wondrous to be drawing water and chopping wood.


  1. Anonymous1/27/2021

    This is an excellent post, Gregg and really struck a chord with me. I've always lived in a thrifty manner - maybe not considered simple or frugal by others, but I believed it was a relatively thoughtful life. Yet, in the back of my mind would creep in the thought I was missing out on "something"...exciting travel, adventures, and so forth. So even though my life was thrifty, comfortable, and not-totally-mindless, I wasn't satisfied. Until this last year, when the pandemic had me staying home much more and rethinking what I felt was "missing". Come to find out, my life now - with gardening, knitting and crafting, puzzles and card games, hanging out with my boyfriend and our cats, reading, watching the birds on our feeders, visiting the local parks for pickleball or frisbee, and of course the general upkeep of a home - this is a wonderful life and nothing is missing. Suppose I knew it all along, but now I'm sure. Spring is not that far away and I look forward to another year of learning how to grow and store food. Thanks for all you do! Hello to Linda! - Mary

    1. Mary, That is it!

      From the sounds of it you have a good thing going just the way things are now. It does feel great to not be chasing anything. More people should slow down and let happiness catch up to them. Sounds like that is what you have done.

      Excellent, and thank you for sharing.

      Linda says, Hi!.

  2. Anonymous1/28/2021

    Wonderful advice!


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