December 8, 2020

Imagining A Better World

Today marks the 40th year since we said good-bye to John Lennon. 

He left us with his signature song, "Imagine", in which he lays out his better world scenario.

Today it is as easy as ever to find problems with the way our world works. Much more difficult is boldly outlining solutions that will benefit the totality of this planet.

John had some excellent suggestions, like living without being trapped by our possessions.

It is not a stretch to imagine that most of humanity would support a better world where everyone is taken care of, and war is a barbaric thing of the past.

The current system is past its best due date, and it is starting to smell bad. Now, more than ever, we need a radical imagining of something fresh and new to replace it with. 

"Imagine", Yoko Ono said today, "a world where we all live in peace".

That would be a great start.

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