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Life has always been a maze of unknowns, but from now on we will quit pretending that we have it all figured out, and admit that this is a much needed global humbling event. |
“Disasters are an opportunity for the worst of humanity. And the best.”- A. G. Riddle
What happens when what we used to think of life as usual comes to a creaking halt? Where do we turn when what we think we know turns out to be wrong, or at least outdated?
We won't have to guess about questions like these, because all around us, day by painful day, we are finding out.
Looking a little farther down the line, here are are some of my thoughts on how this all might shake out.
My Pandemic Prognostications
- introverts will have a better survival rate than extroverts (our culture selects for extroverts, but nature is selecting for introverts right now)
- anti-education, anti-specialist, anti-science proponents and areas will not fare well (see New York, the current COVID 10 epicentre, and Florida, where vectors are packing themselves on to beaches).
- people who have been living simply will prove to be better prepared to deal with this global forced simplification, which may turn out to be permanent.
- North Americans will abandon the handshake (I've never liked it, preferring a nod from a safe distance) after seeing that cultures with no-contact greetings/goodbyes have lower infection rates.
- people will stop believing that our system is benign and beneficial to all when citizens are left to die by a structure that is incapable at protecting them at best, and is fanning the flames of a Darwinian dystopia at the worst.
- areas/cultures that celebrate individualism and "liberty" will have higher infection/death rates over those that recognize the value of balancing personal freedoms with responsibilities toward the needs of the collective.
- our dirty system is going to be exposed in all its decomposing glory, but some will still want to plant their gardens there.
- we will be forced to do away with useless things like cruise ships, flying for no reason other than one is bored or wants bragging rights with one's friends, personal vehicles, and any business that produces anything other than necessities.
- those who didn't realize it before, will come to see that billionaires, sports stars, and celebrities are expendable in this new world, while grocery check out clerks, front line health care workers, and regular working folks are the real heroes worthy of our worship and money.
- many will start to question the value of work, and the value of everything, then decide that staying at home and just living isn't as bad as they were told it would be.
- a decade from now people will still be trying to figure out where the virus originated, if bats were involved, and if it was really a bioweapon unleashed by the dark forces of the greedy elite.
- America's "China bad" propaganda will backfire, just like its Russiagate fiasco did.
- the simplification that the planet desperately needs will be hastened by this event, and we will see that simple is better
No one knows how this will end. No one. Anyone that says they do know is lying.
While it is interesting to watch and take a few wild guesses, like I have here, we will just have to wait and see. I don't know about you, but I am taking this one, one crazy day at a time.
Here is hoping that you and yours are fairing well, and even thriving, whatever that means in today's new world.
Love, peace, and good health to you all.
Now I am waving to you. And nodding, bowing, and giving you the Namaste hand gesture.
Virtual hugs, too.
But not the real kind.