March 9, 2024

Increasing Ecological Footprints

There is one important way that I can tell that politicians of the West are lying when they say they are concerned about climate change, and that is their promotion of high levels of immigration into their countries.

Why even talk about net-zero, or the end of oil, when you are in the business of increasing the ecological footprint of millions of people?

These same politicians are incentivizing people to move from low eco-footprint countries to high eco-footprint countries. 

Millions of people from places like Cuba, Haiti and Honduras, or from other low-footprint countries like Bangladesh and India, are being invited into countries that have some of the highest footprints on the globe.

The result is an overall increase of the average global eco-footprint, which means an increase in not only consumption, but also pollution and resource depletion.

I used to believe in the goals of environmentalism and climate change mitigation. Until about 2019 that is.

Over the past few tumultuous years I have discarded just about everything that I thought I knew and believed and am starting over from scratch.

I am going against the grain and doing my own research, and drawing my own conclusions from what I see.

I am afraid that the whole climate hand-wringing, like the pandemic and resulting medical tyranny, is just a power grab. 

It is all about control and profit, and has nothing to do with "democracy", or "saving the Earth".

Please, faux eco-politicians of the West, tell me how increasing the eco-footprint of millions of citizens of 1 - 2 planet countries by bringing them to 3 - 4 planet countries helps your green agenda?

Either you fight climate change, or you increase the average global eco-footprint through high levels of immigration.

You can't say you are doing both and be taken seriously by rational thinkers. 

Unless climate change mitigation is not your agenda. 

And if not, what is?

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