March 28, 2024

Decision Trees: Should I Buy This?

Click on image to enlarge.

Making a hasty purchase is rarely a good idea. 

That is why advertisers say things like "act now", "limited time only", "hurry", and, "don't wait". 

Advertisers want to trigger an instant sell before we have the time to really think about whether it is a beneficial purchase for us or not.

The faster you buy, the better it is... for them.

Impulse buying leads to post-purchase regret. Overflowing storage spaces and growing debt follow. 

A pre-purchase decision tree is designed to avoid all of that.

A purchase decision tree is a visual template to foster better thinking processes while contemplating buying something.

The main thing it does, besides helping order one's thinking, is slow you down. 

The To Buy or Not to Buy Decision Tree says, "Whoa! there big spender - let's give this, and every purchase, some careful thought before deciding."

After consistent use of such a device, the thought processes become second nature and the actual visual is not required.

Then you don't have to worry, because you're not in a hurry, and your thinking isn't blurry.

Think first, buy later. Then, if you decide to make a purchase, you will know that it is the result of sound thinking rather than an uncontrolled impulse.

Or, don't buy at all. 

That is the conclusion my internal Should I Buy This? decision tree leads me to most of the time.

Click on image to enlarge.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Your post is a really informative! It reminded me of the 'Six Thinking Hats' method by Edward de Bono, which I often use in conjunction with decision trees for group decision-making scenarios. The combination allows for a structured yet creative approach to problem-solving. Perhaps this could be a valuable addition to your decision-making toolkit?



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