March 10, 2024

Make A (Mental) List Of Everything You Own

How do you know you need to buy something if you don't know what you already have? How do you know what to keep, and what to jettison?

The best way to truly see is to make a list of everything you own. 


In order to avoid buying things you already have, you need to make that scary list.

That advice seems extreme, and it is. Unless you like that kind of thing. 

I don't, even though I don't have much stuff.

But I do keep a mental list going. 

I am constantly aware of my possessions, so I know what I have and what I can do with it. 

Also, and maybe more importantly, because some of it is undoubtably crap that needs to go.

As I make my way around the house, and in the garage, I make a mental note of all these things that have wormed their way into the soil of my life.

While observing everything, I ask these questions:

  • When was the last time I used that?
  • Will I use that again?
  • Does owning it improve my life?

It is easy to acquire stuff, but it is increasingly difficult to get rid of it. 

Occasionally I dream of having a ritual crap-burning fire in the back yard.

Impermanence. Dust to dust. The fleeting nature of stuff and life. That kind of thing.

It could be my simple living performance art.

Very liberating just to think about it.

Make that list, mental or otherwise. You might be shocked at what you find out. 

So. Much. Stuff.

But it will be a good shocked, a wake up call for a light flight to a less burdened, more efficient life.


  1. Anonymous3/13/2024

    I really like the idea of maintaining a list of our items to inspire deep reflection— and also a meditation on our impermanence. Even though my family of three lives a decluttered life…we have quite a bit of excess still. One thing I have clung to but am ambivalent about recycling are my old journals. Why do I cling to them? I don’t know! I feel embarrassed reading thoughts I had from a decade ago. Haha. Would I really want anyone to read them after I die? Well, not really. But I still feel reluctant to get rid of them. I wonder- what is your strategy with regard to old journals or similar items?

    1. Anonymous3/14/2024

      Ah, journals. We have a box of them in a closet. That box has not been opened since we moved here... ten years ago.

      We also have other bits of excess around the house - pictures and doodads that remind of us people we have connected with over the years.

      Part of the hard part of decluttering is overcoming the emotional attachment to things. Over the years we have become better at letting go, but it is an ongoing battle.

      I would love to burn the journals in my stuff pyre in the back yard, but I am not sure Linda is ready for that yet.

      My mantra is, "Let it go, let it go, let it go", and she has been great about that. The journals, though, are a lasting hold out.

      - Gregg

    2. Anonymous3/14/2024

      Same for me! It’s good to know I am not alone:-)


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