June 24, 2023

First Day of Summer

Pink lady's slipper along a creek near our home.

On the first full day of summer I celebrated with a bike ride to some of my favourite places in the woods near home.

As usual, I took some photos to share with Linda since she is unable to join me.

In this post I share a few that she particularly enjoyed.

A painted turtle basking in the sun in the middle of the path I was riding on.

The new, fresh growth is abundant and crackling with life.

Waterfalls are beautiful to see, have potent health benefits,
and make one happy to be alive.

"Trees are "social creatures" that communicate with each other in cooperative ways that hold lessons for humans." - Suzanne Simard

The forest is my sanctuary. 

Our time on this earth is brief, as is summer in the north.

I spend as much time as I can in natural areas around our home in the summer. I am fortunate in that I have a large selection of primo rides and hikes right out my back door.

For this I am grateful.

Linda hopes you enjoyed her curated photo gallery of my solstice celebration ride.

Happy summer. 


  1. Dear LInda, I did enjoy :-) look at that beautiful turtle! glad you are enjoying your surroundings! have a good one , Allison

    1. Anonymous6/25/2023

      Thank you. You, too.


  2. Anonymous6/25/2023

    It's nice to have access to all this nature and enjoy the warm weather. I love going into woods and nature areas where I live. Always a place to learn, studying the natural systems is interesting and getting to know the trees and their life cycles which are infinitely interconnected. It's a refreshing change to the social systems which I study and work with professionally which tend to be constructed on top of reality. Critical realism is a useful guide to the difference. My ideal life would be immersed in a mountain forest with a lot of biodiversity and along with my wife and that is all I would need, I don't mind social systems, but I always feel sad when I see how fabricated things are. Do you swim in the streams?

  3. Anonymous6/25/2023

    The past three years had me thinking about "what's real" even more than usual. Everything is fabricated, and it is not usually a fabrication I enjoy. When I am in nature everything seems real as nothing is misrepresenting itself. It is what it is, and I like that.

    The streams around here are quite small and shallow, but we do have a couple of lakes close by. I am not a big swimmer, but a dip in one of those lakes is definitely in order.



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