June 16, 2023

Fake For Sale

"You," he said, "are a terribly real thing in a terribly false world, and that, I believe, is why you are in so much pain." 
- Emilie Autumn

The biggest problem we face today is the ignorance of the fact that we live in a fake world. 

Consumerism is fake. 

Fashion is fake.

Politics is fake.

Finance is fake.

Education is fake.

Health care is fake.

Democracy is fake.

Our whole capitalist consumer reality is fake, fake, fake.

And now it is fumbling.


We will not be free of the ignorance that retards our progress as individuals and communities, until we get rid of our artificial lives.

Becoming more aware of ourselves and the natural world, helps us overcome and rise above the human contrived plastic fantasy that has taken over, and has led to so much pain. 

Kuei-shan asked Yun-Yen,

"What is the seat of enlightenment?"

Yun-yen said, 

"Freedom from artificiality." 


- Kuei-shan (771-854)

Leading a simple life eliminates the unessential in order to focus more fully on the essential.

In other words, it helps us eliminate artificiality in order to focus on what is vital and real.

Less stuff - more real.

Henry David Thoreau wrote of exactly this saying that he went to the woods to 

"suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms..."


I propose a boycott on fake.

We need a routing of all that is not life, drive it into a corner, and see the beauty that is left.



  1. Anonymous6/16/2023

    It's a fake reality that is designed to justify the con. Economics is completely fabricated with no evidence base to enrich the west and particularly the western elites, Yanis Varoufakis is good on this - the fake maths doesn't come close to representing reality. In healthcare the most common and effective medications were discovered in the 50's and 60's and now the expensive new drugs are more marketing than being effective. Psychiatry is pure pseudo science with zero tests, MRI's or genes to justify it. The diagnosis system was created by a rich group of white Americans in a room with no scientific basis, not sure why they called it the DSM as there are no stats in this manual.
    Media is also a great promoter of fakery and propaganda, in the UK we have some truly awful media outlets.
    I don't feel or want to be part of it, I do have ideas how I got in this position, but I work with people who believe it's real and I genuinely feel sorry for them, it is such a waste to live life in a dream and then die completely unaware. I feel like I have crash landed on a alien planet when I go into society and sometimes I enjoy the illusions, but yes most of it is fake.

    1. Anonymous6/18/2023

      What you describe I have sensed for most of my life. Whenever I would mention any of it, people would usually pull out the "well, life's not fair" line as a way to dismiss my point and go back to the safety of the illusion.

      And after the biggest fake of all time - The COVID Plandemic - we are nearing Peak Fake.

      Unfortunately, what is most real today (WWIII) is being ignored, or worse, supported. So Canada is at war with Russia right now to the tune of $5.5 billion dollars of sunk costs, but no one dares actually say that lest they be called pro-Russian, as if there is something wrong with that.

      I wonder when the West will ban the use of the periodic table (invented by a Russian)?

      The Fake Factory is going down, but they are going to try to take as many down with them as they can.

      Back in the real world, Linda and I enjoyed watching and listening to a group of ravens in our back yard field this morning. Magical!

      - Gregg

    2. In the names of the seventeen wonderful people - ranging in age from 83 to 19 and living at the time of the outbreak in many corners of the planet - who are no longer part of my circle of life due to SARS-CoV-2 and its mutations, I sincerely hope all the Plandemic talk is the fake.

    3. Anonymous6/24/2023

      Something happened that killed people, like every flu season. However, following the money we can see that this event was ruthlessly exploited. That elevated it, unfortunately, into the realm of fake, and dishonoured all that were affected. Sorry for your loss.

      - Gregg

  2. Anonymous6/18/2023

    So well said, and Alex I appreciate and relate to your comments too.


  3. Anonymous6/19/2023

    Peak fake, yes! With AI, everyone is eager to get in on "the next big thing." It's sad to know they don't see the reality—it's all fake. True, beautiful, reality is all around us. I'm grateful to be able to see much of it. I've been introduced to a poet whose work shines a light on the real. His name is David Whyte.

    Peace and clear vision to you all,


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