June 21, 2023

Favourite Free Finds

There have been many things over the years that Linda and I have acquired for free, which is the best possible price to pay for anything.

When we lived in a housing coop 20 years ago, there were a couple of Free Sheds in our little community. Anyone could drop stuff off, and/or pick stuff up. 

The two of us managed one of the sheds. We kept it tidy, and rotated items out that weren't moving to be donated to outside agencies.

The Free Shed was an excellent method for transfering/swapping amazing amounts of goods from households that didn't need them, to households that did. 

No fuss, no funds changing hands. No one getting ripped off. No greed, only generosity. 

We got a lot of free stuff that way. 

One thing we got that we still have and use often is a universal lid that fits of a variety of sizes of pots and pans.

I have always been amazed at the things I have seen, and acquired, without cash.

A few of our other finds come to mind.

- a pizza pan saved from the metal recycling bin of our apartment complex

- two pairs of returned brand new leather hiking boots that Linda got when she worked at the member's service desk at Mountain Equipment Coop

- an old Chevy van given to us that we drove for the next 10 years

- Linda's wheelchair was procured for free

There's so much free that if you are not careful it can be too much of a good thing.

Stuff is stuff, even if it is free stuff, and clutter happens whether you paid for something or not.

Sometimes you can't even give stuff away.

Kale can be like that. And zucchini. And clothes. And toilet seats (although we got one of those free, too).

Most other stuff you can move through the no money economy eventually, whether you put it out at the curb with a sign on it, or list it in the free section of Craigslist.

What are your favourite free finds? 

How about favourite things you have gotten rid of by giving away for free?

When Linda and I moved out of our housing cooperative we had a Free Yard Sale because we had too much stuff for the Free Sheds.

Everything in our yard sale it was the same price - $0.00 dollars. 

It was a popular, effective, and fun way to unburden ourselves from unwanted things.

Getting rid of stuff always feels good, whether you get money for it or not.


  1. free plants via propagation that's always going to be my favourite:-) also free manure or mulch lol always good to think about creative ways to obtain what you need for free! great way to save money.


    1. Anonymous6/24/2023

      Free plants are the best. And manure. Free is fun.

      - Gregg


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