December 30, 2022

This Is Enough

Happy in the morning
I open my cottage door;
A clear breeze blowing
Comes straight in.
The first sun
Lights the leafy trees;
The shadows it casts
Are crystal clear.
In accord with my heart,
Everything merges
In one harmony.
Gain and loss
Are not my concern;
This way is enough
To the end of my days.

Wen-siang (1210-1280)



  1. You are a good poet... Superb.

    1. Anonymous12/31/2022

      Wen-siang is a good poet. He was a wandering buddhist, and his poetry shows his pacifist, meditative insights. I enjoy the simplicity and wisdom of the zen poets.

      Thanks for visiting our blog.

      - Gregg

  2. Unused in the six years (Boxing Day) since my husband passed away, I pulled out Deng Ming-Dao's "365 Tao" this morning.
    "This is the moment of embarking.
    All auspicious signs are in place."
    Thank you Gregg and Linda for being here.

    1. Anonymous1/01/2023

      That is wonderful! It seems that we are always embarking, with each day being a new start, a new adventure, and new beginning. "Happy New Day" is something we should say to ourselves, and each other, because each day we are here is such a precious thing.

      We wish you a prosperous 2023.

      Thank you for being here with us.

      - Gregg and Linda


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