November 6, 2020

Less Shopping, More Navel Gazing

In a consumer world the good stuff is always "out there", always somewhere other than where you are. 

Society focuses more on external things, so it can be difficult to turn your attention to the beauties of a home life, or the benefits of tuning in to your own mind.

Conversely, anything that makes it easier for you to "get out there" is encouraged, regardless of its impact. 

The only thing that matters is that you get out of the house to where all the good stuff is happening, then spend freely once you get there.

Just like the good stuff is always outside of your home, it is also outside of your head. 

Even if we stay home, they pipe in endless entertainments to make sure our minds are preoccupied. 

Being in your head is NOT recommended, and often ridiculed to make sure you don't try it for yourself, regardless of the liberation that is sure to result if you stick with it long enough.

The pressure is to keep us busy buying, while downplaying the beauty and satisfaction of a rich home and inner life not centred around expensive extrinsic rewards.

Intrinsic rewards abound in living a local life of simplicity and quiet contemplation. 

They include:

 experiencing the joy of learning
  •  letting your creativity flow
  •  satisfaction of overcoming challenges
  •  a sense of connection to other people/the world
  •  identifying with a meaningful purpose
  •  increased confidence
With each passing day it becomes more obvious - the world needs way less going out and shopping, and way more staying in and navel gazing.


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