June 5, 2024

Reddit Simple Living Community In Top 1% Largest

"I've lived in my DIY 270 sqft tiny house for over 5 years now...still in love with a simple lifestyle." - posted by trek2tinystudio on r/simpleliving

It seems like ancient history now, but back in the early 2010s I took over as moderator for an orphaned Reddit community formed around simple living. 

I came up with a tagline for my vision. I hoped it would be a case of "Build a good tagline and they will come".

Live Better With Less

Breaking free of the work/spend/borrow cycle in order to live more fully, sustainably, and cooperatively.

And come they did. Not sure if it was the tagline.

My goal was similar as for this blog, which was started around the same time. That goal was to share with as many people as possible, the benefits and joys of living more simply. 

That message was well received as it turned out. 

"Simple living for me is being able to grocery shop in my backyard." - posted on r/simpleliving.

The community began to grow, and over the years great things began to happen.

When I took r/simpleliving on it was a small group of 309 members.

After a while, it began to take off. New members were joining in great numbers.

Several awesome members stepped forward and offered to take over moderation of the increasingly busy site, which enabled me to step aside so I could focus more on the Not Buying Anything Blog.

I haven't been involved since then. The new moderators did an incredible job of keeping the growth going, and improving the site.

Cross-posted to r/simpleliving from r/antiwork.

I just noticed today, during a visit, that the small committed community I knew  has grown up and into the Top 1% Largest on Reddit.

I highly recommend visiting as a possible method to continue honing your own style of simplicity. 

There are many peaceful and inspiring posts to see there.

The success of r/simpleliving, that I helped kickstart so many years ago, makes me think that we just might make it after all.

Living better with less, and making sure everyone has enough.

That is what it is all about.

Well, that and laughing. 

The #1 largest community on Reddit is r/funny, with 60 million chuckling, chortling members. 

I can get behind that, too.


Something funny (and true) posted to r/simpleliving.


  1. I love the Simple Living community on Reddit! You did a good job setting that up Gregg. I enjoy reading what different folk are up to in their desire to keep things simple in their lives. Antiwork is quite enjoyable too. Everyone needs to live, and ideally we all do work that we enjoy where we are not taken advantage of. It does sometimes feel like it's one or the other though. On Reddit I also enjoy R/awww and r/awwweducational. Cute and cute plus learning about said cute thing :)

    1. Anonymous6/06/2024

      Love your selection of subreddits. Going to check them out.

      - Gregg

  2. Thank you for sharing this, I will head over now.


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