November 26, 2023

Why You Should Start Planning A Garden Today

I remember when a large grocery order for me was around $100.00 dollars.

It took a few years, but eventually a large order was coming in at double that, about $200.00 dollars.

Quicker was the next jump, when a large order went from $200.00 dollars to $300.00 dollars.

That is about when I started to freak out. 

I noticed that the Customer Service desk at the grocery store had installed an emergency defibrillator behind the desk just in case I had a heart attack when the cashier totalled my purchase and handed me the bill.

Now it is only a matter of a few weeks, the time between our large orders, and our bill increases noticeably even beyond $300.00 dollars.

There has never been a better time to start a garden. 

Or grow food in containers on the patio. 

Or get a couple chickens.

Or plant an orchard.

It is also a good time to cook for yourself, and learn to do things like make yogurt, and plan price conscious vegetarian meals.

With that grocery bill continuing to go up, the time is ripe for eliminating non-essentials. 

The best money saving plan is to not buy things you can live without. Like donuts. Or coffee. Or both. 

Sugary drinks can be cut with a net benefit to health and finances. 

A big bag of beans, a big bag of rice, chickens in the yard, and a garden for fresh fruit and vegetables will all go a long way toward reducing that nasty grocery bill, and increasing your food independence.

Don't freak out - start planning that garden, and get ready to eat healthier and save money at the same time.

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