November 20, 2023

From Black Friday to Cyber Monday

The dark shopping days are almost upon us, marking the official start of the annual materialistic mega event of the season.

Not content with one designated shopping day where consumers lose their minds, money, and sometimes their lives, we now have a quad of darkly designated days of deliverance.

The big four to kick things off are Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Sofa Sunday, and Cyber Monday. 

There's truly no rest for the active consumer.

Since I am shoppingly challenged, I had to turn to an online Shopping Calendar to understand exactly what I am missing. 

I discovered a whole new shopping day to oppose that I didn't even know about - Sofa Sunday. 

Missed opportunity!

"Sofa Sunday in Canada is one of the five shopping days related to Thanksgiving in USA, to be precise to the Sunday after Thanksgiving (normally the forth Sunday in November). 
Although it is not directly related to a Canadian holiday, it might be very interesting as many USA online stores ship to Canada at reasonable cost. Sofa Sunday refers to the growing use of tablet computers." 

WTF? Is any excuse too flimsy or bereft of brains to promote the acquisitive instinct in people that still have money or credit available to be able to afford more crap?

After hitting the stores on Black Friday, you can either recover on Buy Nothing Day on Saturday (few do), or if you haven't had enough shopping yet, participate in Small Business Saturday (which, if local, is a good thing to promote). 

Then, the dedicated consumer can get up bright and early on Sunday, cuddle up on the sofa and browse for more bargains online on Sofa Sunday.

If you have a sofa.

And if you think you can go to work the next day and recover there, good luck. Because the Monday following Sofa Sunday is Cyber Monday.

That's right, more shopping. You might be able to get some of that done while slacking off at work, then get some much needed rest from all that spending once you get home.

Don't get caught or you might be shopping for a new job.

These designated shopping days aren't mandated yet, so participation is still voluntary. 

But the way things are going, who knows what the future holds.

"You vill eat ze bugs, and you vill keep spending if you know vat is goot for you!"

The only day we will be celebrating is our blog's favourite day of the year - Buy Nothing Day (this Saturday, November 25th). 

We will spend nothing and be happy.

Have a good one.


  1. Anonymous11/21/2023

    I’m not anti-things, but I do regularly ask myself “how much is enough?” You are right on about the bug eating a shopping — getting people to always want more is a great way to distract them as you rework how the world operates. Wishing the NBA community a serene and joyful wintertime ahead. Peace, Erin

    1. Anonymous11/21/2023

      I do want people to have the freedom to buy whatever things make them happy. But that needs to be balanced with your question, how much is enough? We also need to show some restraint when exercising our freedom to buy.

      Happy Fall/Winter season to you, too. Not too long and the light will be returning already.

      - Gregg


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