August 31, 2023

Live With Fearless Energy

"To learn to be always in a state of meditation means never to let your vital energy wane. You would never allow it to do so if it were certain that you were to die tomorrow. It wanes because you forget about death. Grit your teeth, fix your gaze, and observe death at this moment. You have to feel it so strongly that is seems as if it’s attacking you. Fearless energy comes from this. At this moment death is right before your eyes. It’s not something you can afford to neglect."

Suzuki Shosan (1579-1655)  

If I learned today that I only had a short time to live, how much of what I do and think on the average day would matter to me any more?

What would I want to do more of, or what goals would I wish to fulfill before my demise?

How would that change my life?

Would I choose to live with fearlessly energy, and do what needs to be done?

Would I choose to live even more simply, to pare life down to the most essential form it can take?

I think I already live with fearless energy, but I predict I could bring even more to the table.

What would it take to maximize that energy?


Why wait? 

Today, I am creating conditions for my untapped vital energy to come forth and transform life.

It is not something I can afford to neglect. 

Simplicity helps me confront this challenge without needless distraction.

Our system as it exists can not help, because fearless energy can not be bought. 


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8/31/2023

    There is something that simplicity adds, which helps that flow state feeling when you go back to basics, it's nice when you feel part of the ever changing cosmos. The human world is a illusion and simplicity allows a way to live with what is real while not cluttering the mind.


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