April 9, 2020

Rural Social Distancing

 Good thing birds don't have the coronavirus, because on my last bike ride I saw more of them than humans. Birds don't have it, right?

On a 15 km ride, I only saw 2 humans. They were out in their yard doing some spring cleaning. 

I passed them at a safe distance, and waved instead of stopping and hugging and kissing and handshaking and doing some "moist talking" at close range. 

Of course, I wouldn't have done that before, either.  

I stopped at a pond. The cattails were opening. They looked like fuzzy white-molded hot dogs on a stick. 

The breeze was just strong enough to blow their seeds off in wispy puffs.

I stopped by a new park on one of our local lakes. No people. More birds. 

The park was an old Department of Natural Resources property that was used to store materials, and fix vehicles and equipment. There was an office building on site as well, which had been torn down since the last time I was here.

There was also a new strategically placed picnic table in a cleaned out area. It proved to be the perfect place to take a break, relax in the sun and take a drink of water.

No people. Lots of birds. That is rural social distancing in a nutshell. Nothing to worry about, because the birds don't have it, right?

In the picture above you can see a spruce grouse crossing the road. 

"Why?", I wondered. 

Maybe it was social distancing. 

From me.


  1. Anonymous4/09/2020

    Lovely pictures.
    A crazy story...Trout season just opened a few days ago here in PA & I guess because folks were outside, they felt it was ok to be standing very close to one another. We are supposed to be social distancing. I guess people just don't get it. The game wardens had to break up the fishing fun.
    Yeah, I have no trouble with social distancing...practiced before this virus. :)

    1. I haven't come down with a seasonal flu for many, many years. Social distancing works, although that is not why I do it. It is, however, a very nice fringe benefit.

      I have never understood fishing elbow to elbow with other fishers. When I was a fisher, I preferred to have the lake, stream or hole all to myself. Easy to do if you don't mind a little extra hiking, and I don't.

      Stay safe.

  2. Anonymous4/09/2020

    It's funny when nature is allowed to naturally socially distance itself, you don't get any zoonotic diseases. Maybe putting animals in factory farms is a bad idea and social distancing should really apply to nature. Just let nature get along being itself and it's intrinsic mechanism of regulation will keep everything just fine.


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