December 22, 2019

Solstice Poetry Reading Day 3

Linda and I like to stretch our celebrations out. Therefore, our birthdays are a month long, and celestial events like Winter Solstice usually include the week before and the week after. You know what that means... more poetry!

When it comes to poetry and simplicity, there is no more fitting form than haiku.  

Writing your own can be fun when approached spontaneously and working quickly while allowing the moment to guide the words.

I took a crack at my own winter haiku. They are harder to create than they appear, as a haiku demands just the right amount of words. 

They are delicate and fragile. Careful!

Here we go:

Short days are stretching out now

and yet all is dark.

Sitting quietly - no light.

Here is an unpublished effort from Allen Ginsberg:

Another year has past.

The world

is no different.

Or here is Juma:

Frost covered garden.

Let's plant plump yellow pansies -

Little golden suns!

To get the most haiku-ish experience one must go to a master. I leave you with an example from Basho:

Winter solitude -

in a world of one colour

the sound of the wind.



  1. Anonymous12/23/2019


    I thought I write one too:

    Darkness closely follows the low sun.
    Crystals of ice glimmer in the street light.
    A runner moves through the quiet of night.


  2. Anonymous12/23/2019

    I live in Florida with very little cold and dark but as if mother nature is saying we, too, celebrate the solstice here, the last few days have been dark and raining. So we have been celebrating the life force of this sky water and the peace its sounds brings. Happy solstice to everyone, everywhere, especially you, Gregg and Linda and all you wonderful people on this site! Nancy

    1. Thank you, Nancy. Happy solstice to you. That life force is strong.


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