September 3, 2019

Less Struggle, More Peace

I have many moments of peace at home.

There is no need for me to go anywhere,

except perhaps out to the garden, 

or the backyard woods,

or the couch 

for a nap.

There is so much to do right here in my house,

like contemplate a red, juicy tomato I grew myself 

sitting on the windowsill,

or sitting quietly and 

listening to the wind and rain outside.

At these times I know deep down that

the fewer material distractions I have,

the happier I am.

Less stuff equals 

less needless struggle.

Less needless struggle means

more peace.


  1. Someday I will get there.

    1. If you have made it a goal, you are assured to one day meet it. I hope that day comes soon for you.

  2. Thank you for this Gregg, once again I am finding refuge in your blog. I just left a very stressful job that was making me ill, with no job to go to. I'm terrified! But I want a simpler, gentler life and time is more important to me than money. I've never been ambitious in the traditional sense (and often feel like a failure because of this) but in my lighter moments I feel that, perhaps, just seeking to get away from the rat race could be considered an ambition in itself. I think I read that you and Linda work in casual positions when necessary and that is what I am hoping to do. Blessings, Clare.

    1. Congratulations on leaving a very stressful job. For me, pretty much anything is better than staying at a job like that. It takes guts to quit knowing you do not have other work lined up, because it IS scary. Our system is purposely designed that way to keep us in wage slavery. It's their way, or no way.

      Neither Linda nor I have ever been ambitious to join a system we have always known is based on lies, exploitation, and violence. The pressure to conform is great, and they want those of us that don't conform, to feel like failures when we don't join the depravity.

      We are with you. Personally, I can't think of a more successful human than one that can resist the pressure and live according to their own values. We are on your side because we know it is a little side, and one needs allies in the quest to be free and live life as one's true self.

      In 2001 we both quit our full time jobs. We calculated how much we needed to cover the basics every month. Then we took just enough work to meet our meagre expenses. When we had enough for the month, we both took time off, rather than do extra for more money.

      For the first time in our lives we felt like WE were in control. We had lots of time to enjoy, and spent a large part of it in nature together. We learned to garden, and cook, and play guitar and sing. We spent time with friends and family. We got rid of most of our possessions.

      Now, as we are getting older and are therefore eligible for pensions and benefits, the need to work has been greatly reduced. There is still lots to be done to ensure our financial security in the future, and we constantly work toward that goal. It has been an enjoyable and creative project to see how simply we can live, and how much of modern life we can do without.

      The benefits of a modern worker/consumer life have been greatly exaggerated. The masses are beginning to see it for the scam that it is.

      Slowly Linda and I are successfully building the ideal simple life that we envisioned decades ago. With your attitude, you will, too. Set a goal, set your mind to it, and you can't help but achieve it. Your journey has begun already, and we wish you well going forward.

    2. Gregg, thank you so much. Your replies are always so comprehensive and thoughtful. Sorry it has taken some time to reply. I fell into a bit of depression after leaving work, mainly guilt I think for saying 'no' to a bad situation. I am actually a registered nurse, and I am sad to report that the level of burnout among healthcare professionals here in the UK is massive. Sadly, one of the issues that led to my decision to leave is the high level of abuse that I received from other professionals. I'm sure that this is due to the stress. So sad that we turn on each other instead of uniting. And how can stressed out professionals give a good standard of care to patients? Now that I am over the (unnecessary!) guilt, I am enjoying my time at home. I get asked a lot whether I am looking for a job and the truth is, not in any great hurry. I don't intend to work again until after Christmas & then only the bare minimum. All of my contemporaries are now in management jobs. I refused promotion when it was offered and sometimes feel inadequate because of this but at the same time, I never see any of them because they are always so busy! These days, your job is your WHOLE life - work all day, then all evening (unpaid) on the work laptop and mobile. I couldn't do this if I wanted to. I am a highly sensitive person and have never been able to keep up with a high stress lifestyle.
      My mother is an incredibly thrifty woman - she always says 'economy is a second income' - although I hated the second-hand clothes, lack of cool toys etc as a child, boy am I grateful now. I learned so much from her.
      Before I left work, I invested in a good-quality juicer and I am now doing a juice fast in a bid to further address shopping and junk food addictions which got worse when I was working. I'm hoping to gain some clarity about these and the issue of where my life is going. I consider myself very privileged to be able to do this.

  3. Best wishes, Clare! I retired early so I could actually live my life. I have been happy with the result. I hope you are, too.

    1. To retire early and happily is a beautiful thing. Way to go. It can be done, even without a million dollars in an investment account.

  4. Thank you Annie, that is encouraging. That is what I want to do also, live my life. I will need to do something to keep the wolf from the door but I'm trying to keep in mind, the less consumption, the less stress. Blessings to you.


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