January 17, 2025

Dumb Consumer Item of the Month - Violent Entertainment

Today’s world is an obviously violent place, so why add to that by indulging in consumerism's dumbest and most disgusting product—violent entertainment?

There is power in choosing non-violent entertainment, and that is exactly what we have done in my household.

Several years ago, we banned violent products from our home, figuring that there is no possible way that they can be good for us.

The content we consume can significantly impact our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

As advocates for simple living, self-care, and harmony, it’s essential to reflect on the types of entertainment we allow into our lives.

One powerful step toward fostering a peaceful environment is to consciously choose to avoid violent entertainment.

Research suggests that exposure to violent entertainment can lead to desensitization, increased aggression, and diminished empathy.

Our brains, equipped with mirror neurons, respond to the actions we observe in the same way, whether real or fictional.

This means that when we watch violent scenes, we may experience emotional responses that can affect our perceptions of the world around us. It is hard to believe that it isn’t traumatizing whether we realize and admit it, or not.

Over time, this can contribute to a culture that normalizes aggression and undermines our collective sense of compassion.

By banning violent entertainment in our homes, we take a proactive stance in promoting peace and harmony.

This choice not only sets a positive example for family members, especially children, but also encourages the exploration of alternative content that uplifts and inspires.

Imagine filling your living space with stories that celebrate kindness, creativity, and understanding—narratives that foster connection rather than conflict.

Or are we at the point where we think programming without violence is boring?

Choosing non-violent entertainment opens the door to meaningful conversations about the media we consume.

It encourages us to think critically about the messages conveyed through our screens and to seek out content that aligns with our values of empathy and compassion.

By engaging in discussions about why we avoid violent themes, we cultivate a deeper understanding of the impact of media on our lives and society.

Change begins at home. By making conscious choices about the entertainment we consume, we contribute to a culture that values peace and harmony.

Our individual actions can inspire others to reflect on their viewing habits, creating a ripple effect that extends beyond our households.

In a world that can sometimes feel chaotic, embracing non-violent entertainment is a simple yet powerful way to nurture our well-being and promote a more compassionate society.

Let us commit to fostering environments filled with positivity, understanding, and love—one choice at a time.

In time, those choices will be reflected in a more peaceful world for all of us.

Protect yourself and your family—say NO to violent entertainment in all its varied forms, and see a particularly toxic and dumb consumer item bite the dust.

And if you really must be witness to violence, just watch the news. There is lots of it there. Not recommended for children.


  1. Anonymous1/18/2025

    My ex played violent video games and made the continuous excuse that it made her feel like a knight in shining armor, because the real monsters out there are cops, politicians, etc. Games like Yakuza, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, etc. I am a sensitive person and could almost tangibly FEEL the angst and rage through the media she chose to engage with. I found a website from India that teaches people spirituality, and one of their features are these illustrations of the effects stuff like that has on people. And lo and behold, it is spiritually unhealthy, even detrimental. It feels good knowing there are other people who are able to detect and actually illustrate these things (drawings of the subtle energy)for the rest of us to understand. -E.V.

    1. Anonymous1/18/2025

      I would be interested in visiting that website if you have a link you would like to share with us. What you describe makes perfect sense to me.



    2. Anonymous1/19/2025

      ssrf.org - the spiritual science research foundation -E.V.

    3. Anonymous1/19/2025

      Thank you. Looks very interesting. We choose positive media and bliss.

      - Gregg

  2. Anonymous1/20/2025

    Great topic - I was watching a series recently and did not expect the level of violence portrayed. It was shocking and I immediately wished I had not seen it. It is healthy to avoid violence in all forms.

    In the news, I consider that all the sharing of death, destruction and the like it really and outsized form of gossip. It is good to know when people need help. But often, the “news” breeds overwhelm and hopelessness in its viewers. Humans aren’t made to take in the evil and suffering of others all around the world. It’s too much. Instead, I aim to focus on my life and those in it. Peace can begin there. Happy new year, Gregg and Linda! Erin

    1. Anonymous1/20/2025

      I think it is overwhelming by design in order to break us down and make us more manipulable and controllable. It is a sick system that taints everything exposed to it, so best stay away from as much as possible.

      There are lots of good people doing the hard work of creating a better, more satisfying life in ways that don’t support the madness. It is good to know all of you are out there.

      Happy New Year to you, too.

      - Gregg

  3. Anonymous1/26/2025

    Great site. I recently took an extreme stance: no movies, tv, modern music, podcasts, games and the like. I have been reading blogs instead, most of them inactive. I am glad to see this is active! Will be stopping here time to time. - Aidan

    1. Anonymous1/26/2025

      Aidan, welcome to our blog. How nice that you have found us. We are intrigued by your extreme project, and wish you luck for its success. It is one that should pay substantial benefits to your mental and spiritual well being. As more of us do these important things, others will take note, and hopefully join us for their own health, and the health of our planet.

      - Gregg


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