Sad to say but everything has been transformed in the great crapification of life. I do believe that it has been happening for my entire lifetime, and probably began before I joined Planet Crap 63 years ago.
Many of our formerly trusted institutions, having been taken over by corruption and greed, are now doing more harm than good. They have been crapified.
Stuff is crapified.
Food is crapified.
Democracy is crapified.
Education is crapified.
Medicine is crapified.
Banking and finance are crapified.
War is crapified.
Jobs are crapified.
Houses are crapified.
Cars are crapified.
Free speech is crapified.
Policing and justice are crapified.
Western civilization itself has been crapified to the core.
While we were all busy working our crap jobs to get crap wages with which to buy crap stuff, the powers that shouldn't be crapified on everything they could get their hands on.
All that was good went down the memory hole to be replaced with you know what.
The crapification was intentional, done to destroy everything we hold dear. The destruction was done on purpose so that they could "build back better" (remember that crap slogan?).
But better for whom? For the 1%, that is who.
It doesn't have to be this way, but we have to pay attention in order for things to change. We have to first admit that there is a problem, and that problem is a society-wide distraction by the shiny trinkets of crapsumerism.
At least now as the flow of crappy consumer stuff is slowing down, and as we are less able to afford all that crap because the crap jobs with crap wages are disappearing, we will have more time to pay attention to what is going on in reality.
You know - the non crap world that most of us don’t even recognize any more.
When we wake up to it all, there is going to be one heck of a crap storm unleashed on those responsible for our sad state of affairs. The clouds are already gathering.
That people-powered disruption will flush all the crap, and the crappers, down the drain. Then WE will decide what to build back for ourselves.
Will 2025 be the beginning of the de-crapification of life?
That is up to us.
Today is a good day to flush the system.
Love it!
ReplyDeleteAgree completely.
ReplyDeleteIn 2023 a word was coined to describe this: Enshittification. Cory Doctorow came up with this to describe how awful the internet has can totally be used in the meat space as well 😂 -E.V.
ReplyDelete''Enshittification, also known as crapification and platform decay, is the term used to describe the pattern in which online products and services decline in quality over time.’'
DeleteYes, it does apply, because in our system anything that starts off good eventually is squeezed in every which way to maximize profit over everything else. Of course, quality is the first victim in such a system.
Thank you for crediting Doctorow with coining this excellent term that I wish we never had to use. But, here we are. Time to take action individually and collectively to reverse the process.
- Gregg