September 27, 2019

Consuming Experiences Is Still Consumption

More than 75% of Millennials surveyed would rather purchase a desirable experience or event rather than a desirable trinket, item, doodad or things.

Before we give them too much credit for getting off the buying crap train, we should consider that consumerism also packages and pushes the purchase of experiences. 

These processed experiences and events also have an environmental impact, just like more tangible things like golf clubs and bar soap. 

When does a bucket list become another high impact shopping list? 

Moving forward we will be living lifestyles that don't centre on consumerism, regardless of what is being sold. Most of the stuff won't matter, and neither will the desirable experiences and events.

Unless, of course, those experiences include a farm stay to learn gardening, learning to mend and fix things, taking a walk in the neighbourhood, or acquiring a new set of skills for lower footprint living.

Having said that, this late boomer is in full support of Millennials altering the way they live and enjoy life. I support the ways they are changing the way we look at everything. Many in this generation are disruptors, and I love a little disruption.

I look forward to hearing from GenZ and their attitudes to stuff and experiences. Wouldn't it be something if 75% of Zeds surveyed would rather buy nothing at all? 

Another survey showed that 83% of GenZ respondents say that saving for the future is important, so maybe conspicuous consumption, and spending like there is no tomorrow as a way of life, is on the way out.

I can only hope that these generations will decide that they won't be the ones to put the final nails in our collective coffin, and denounce consumerism for the failed experiment that it is.

Will they "Be better"? That would be the ultimate, one item bucket list.


  1. There seems to be a kind of competition among the "experiencers" who can "experience" the most and the most unique trip or event. Or maybe it's more of a fever to find the most unique experience on the internet and then make it happen. I wonder what the environmental impact is between buying things verses buying experiences??

    1. That is an excellent question. Since flying is often involved in consumer experience/event packages, I would say the impact there alone is huge.

      I wonder what percent of experiences is due to what you describe. Selfie Travel is taking over in an increasingly competitive environment.

  2. Anonymous9/29/2019

    Hi Gregg,

    thanks for bringing up this issue. There seems to be a massive blind spot regarding travel for many people. Take a look at almost any minimalist blog/vlog, and they are saying they they are minimalist to save the planet, but are swapping travel experiences for stuff - what???! And then there are the 'FIRE' devotees trying to retire at 30 so they can spend their lives travelling....

    I had lunch with someone on the weekend who completely understood why I don't have a dishwasher. She started citing facts about embodied energy etc but later mentioned she has to get a new car because she has driven 120,000 kms in the last two years - she loves road trips.

    I think we all have our own blind spots and I am certainly not perfect in that regard. But travel is a biggie and I think airline companies 'offsetting' carbon by getting people to pay extra only lets people believe what they are doing is okay.

    All that being true, in my own area people are waking up - fast. We have been impacted by smoke for over a month now due to surrounding fires and still no rain. As I write another helicopter flies overhead with a water bomb. It is uncomfortable. It is hard to ignore. People are starting to wake up. I wish that people everywhere would have 'just enough' discomfort and fear to help them wake up too.


    1. What ever happened to staying home and making your community a better place?

      I admire the FIRE followers for not wanting to work for The Man (or Woman) their whole lives, then see their pensions disappear when the company files for bankruptcy. I imagine many of of them will do good things with their freedom.

      All the research I have seen indicates that we aren't any happier now than we were before the consumer economy took over. Travel may be a fun pastime, but does it make the world a better place, all things considered?

      So sorry to hear about your fires. That is scary, and I hope for the best possible outcome for you and your neighbours.

      I am afraid that most people will not act unless faced with discomfort and fear..They are great motivators that will shatter the endless entertainment illusion that is masking the very real challenges faced by humanity.


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