May 10, 2017

The Garden Zone

The soil is prepared, and the seeds are out. This week we enter another dimension, and plant the garden.

You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of soil and seeds but of creation itself. A journey into a wondrous land whose broad boundaries are that of Nature. Your next stop, the Garden Zone!

We have a raised bed garden, so when I go into the garden, I really go into the garden. Mentally I step into another dimension. Everything else goes away except my shovel, the soil, worms, and unbounded potential.

And the black flies, which are little teachers of keeping one's focus.

The place is here, the time is now, and the journey into the Garden Zone could be your journey.

Let's grow together, and allow abundance to reign.

Thank you to Rod Serling and Mother Nature for making this post possible.


  1. Anonymous5/11/2017

    I think humans are different from plants and animals due to the ability to cultivate. We can cultivate love, a peaceful nature and the world around us. The way of the universe gives us the chance to merge nature and cultivation together, like how a stream merges with the sea.
    It's funny because you can really feel at peace when growing plants, but after a while the affairs of the world pull your consciousness away. The paradox is that the reality is in the cultivating.

    1. Alex,

      The cultivating is the reality I am choosing. Cultivating food, understanding, peace and harmony - that would be good.

  2. Anonymous5/11/2017

    Greg, you might have heard this poem the songs of the woodcuter by Ryokan from Larry Smith's channel, it contains so much wisdom:

    1. Alex,

      Thank you for reacquainting me with this Ryokan poem - it is one of my favourites. Love the simplicity and enjoyment of nature. I think I could be a forest hermit, and perhaps will be some day.


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