September 9, 2024

You Don't Need as Much as You Think

You are in space orbiting the Earth in a large tin can. What do you really need?
As two astronauts contemplate a short stay at the International Space Station turning into a possible 8 months, people down on the ground are wondering what they will do up there without more stuff.
I saw an interview with an astronaut who has spent time on the space station, and she had words of wisdom for viewers, and her colleagues on the ISS.
She was laughing when asked about the "they need more stuff" situation and responded, 
"You don't need as much as you think.''
Clearly, she could also be talking about life on the ground.
Whether you are orbiting the planet or are on terra firma, you probably don't need as much as you think you do.
Over the years, I have been ridding myself of stuff I don't need, and I don't miss any of it.
Indeed, jettisoning all the excess baggage from my life has only made things better. I am living lighter, am less distracted, and feel more focused on what matters as a result.
When the two astronauts finally return to Earth, they may look at all the stuff in their homes and ask, "What is it all for? I just spent 8 months with enough possessions to fill a small bag, and I did just fine."
We can learn valuable lessons from space for a simpler life down here.
1. Reassess your needs: You might be surprised by how little you truly require.
2. Let go of excess: Jettison unnecessary possessions and distractions like your life depended on it.
3. Focus on what matters: Clarity and freedom arise from simplicity.
As the astronauts continue their journey sans stuff, everyone's perspective on "stuff" may forever change, inspiring a new appreciation for the beauty of minimalism no matter where you hang you hat... or helmet.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/15/2024

    “The more you have, the more you want. The less you have, the less you want.”

    The quote is perfect and so true. Wanting sneaks up on you. I’m learning to question my wants. Do I simply need human connection? Am I bored or wanting to avoid another emotion?

    I’ll add: travel usually remind me how little I need to be content. 😊 Peace, Erin


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