September 1, 2024

The New Off-Grid: Not on Google Map's Street View

Off-grid living in the modern world - my residence is not on Google Map's Street View.

“The natural flow of technology tends to move in the direction of making surveillance easier.” 

-  Phillip Zimmermann

Is your house on Google map's Street View? Mine is not, and from a privacy perspective, I like it that way.

Not everyone wants to be on-grid. That is because being off-grid has its advantages.

Off grid used to mean disconnected from the utilities most of us take for granted. Now there is another kind of off grid.

This alternative off grid, is when your home has not been surveilled by Google Map's Street View vehicle, and uploaded to the net so anyone with a computer can see that wrapping for all your stuff we call a home. 

Now, some homeowners that are currently on-grid are trying to get semi-off-grid by having Google blur the image of their home on Street View.

But you can't win in the high techno wars, except by disconnecting from the whole mess entirely. You have to escape your pod.

Now when thieves are looking around your neighbourhood from the comfort of their computer, they are  also looking for the blurred homes, assuming (possibly correctly) that the owners must have some juicy stuff to hide.

On-grid, or semi-off-grid - they have you either way.

The best way to be officially off-grid is to live in areas without the google map surveillance vehicle prowling around.

My house is off grid because I live in a rural location away from a substantial population centre, or major road. 

If you want to rob my home, you will have to physically case the joint the old fashioned way. Today's cyber-based thieves are too lazy for that. 

Probably rural thieves are more fit than city thieves, so I am not sure if I actually have an advantage.

It's alright - i have nothing of value to steal anyway, which is the best protection of all.

Are you on-grid, or off-grid Google map's intrusive Street View surveillance

It's a blurry conundrum.


  1. I'm on-grid. Not much to do about living in the city. This is it:,4.8686727,3a,75y,279.26h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1shFxZJIUIdHKF69jEK0nHDg!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&coh=205410&entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkwMi4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

    My front window is covered, you can''t see inside. Otherwise not much to take apart from 8 year old laptop.

    1. Anonymous9/04/2024

      The average laptop lasts from 3 to 7 years. Thirty percent of people keep their laptops longer than 4 years. 8 years is doing good. Our Apple laptop is over 10 years old and struggling at times, but is still chugging along.

      - Gregg


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