May 20, 2024

More Nature, Less Stuff

It makes me laugh that humans think they are the most intelligent beings in the known Universe. 

Ha, ha, ha!

We aren't even the most intelligent beings on our own blue green home suspended in the blackness of space.

We can learn a lot by looking to all the other life with which we share this wonderful, wise planet.

There are lessons to be learned there that could make us more than tragically hip and dumb apes.

It should be a humbling experience, something we badly need if we are to save ourselves.

That is why I am a huge proponent of more nature, and less consumerism.

One will free us, the other enslave.

Today is a good day to be free.

In nature.

“Nature is our greatest teacher, of surrender, of allowing, of simply being. Every blade of grass, every flower, every tree remembers. This moment. This present. This is where life is.” - 


  1. Anonymous6/03/2024

    We have intelligence, but no wisdom. A dangerous combination. Doreen Florida USA

    1. Anonymous6/03/2024

      "We know the price of everything, but the value of nothing," is also true. Dangerous all the way around. But I do believe an awakening has begun. Interesting days ahead.

      - Gregg


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