October 13, 2023

Too Far?


When it comes to frugality and being gentle on the Earth I am willing to take things far, but I wonder sometimes, do I take them too far?

Take the photo above. What is it? Some sort of environmentally themed art? Something I picked up from someones trash? 

No, it is an overused dishcloth that is still in service in my kitchen. If I use it for much longer there will be more missing than is there. But it still works.

I can afford to buy new dishcloths, so it isn't lack of money that explains this. It is something else.

It is something that goes along with my sock solution, for worn socks, which could also be seen as going too far.

Or my leather hiking boots that I bought in the 80s and still wear on a semi-regular basis.

Or my first car that I restored then drove for 14 years before selling it for the exact price I paid for it - $750.00 dollars.

Or wearing otherwise good underwear with waistbands so stretched it takes a safety pin to keep them up.

Some people would say that in my commitment to being gentle on the Earth I am going beyond the extreme.

However, considering the state of the world, and the importance of maintaining a liveable Earth viable for both humans and all other life, I have to ask - can one even go far enough?

Too far?

Not far enough?

Hard to say. 

But I will be continuing my frugal thrifty ways using my stuff to death (and beyond in the case of the dishcloth above), while looking for places I can do even more. 

Or is it less?


  1. Anonymous10/16/2023

    I needed to look twice at the t-towel as the resemble a few of my husbands underpants! He wears them until they leave nothing to the imagination! We make our dishcloths out of old towels, very little is wasted in our household too. So glad to have found a like minded community of frugalists. Love your reading your posts Gregg and Linda.

    1. Anonymous10/16/2023

      That is very funny. Thanks for reading, and thanks for the laugh.

      - Gregg and Linda


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