October 25, 2023

Stop Having Kids

Want controversy? Start a discussion on whether or not we should be bring babies into this chaotic world. That is what the Stop Having Kids organization is doing.

I don't know too many people that have had planned pregnancies. Most of those with kids report that the pregnancy "just happened". 

That does not seem like the best start for a new human being considering the huge burden unplanned kids put on a family.

The Stop Having Kids organization is asking humanity to think about that, about where kids come from, how they are made, and what it means to bring more into this already crowded world.

Having kids is one of the most resource intensive things two people can do together, as it creates lifelong consumers. 

The new babies born into ConsumerLand will each require tons and tons of resources decade after decade for up to 70 years or more.

What does that do to make the world a better place?

If the powers that be are trying to kill us all, and I think they are, why not prevent them from doing their dirty work by not giving them more humans to murder with their "solutions" to overpopulation and resource depletion?

Stop Having Kids is asking humanity to care for the humans already on our planet before thoughtlessly bringing more into existence.

A lot of people bring new consumers into the world because of societal pressure, or by mistake, rather than it being a rational, well thought out choice.

Speaking from experience, being childfree has many benefits besides reducing the stress on our life support system, and making a good life more possible for those already here.

Here are a few listed at Stop Having Kids website:
  • more free time and freedom in general
  • the ability to be more spontaneous
  • more ability to give back and serve a public good
  • more money and less chances of falling into financial hardship and hunger
  • more sleep (uninterrupted too) and relaxation
  • more privacy, peace, and solitude
  • having actual days off and less hecticness
  • more ability to care for oneself
  • ability to maintain one's goals
  • ability to care well for other life forms 
  • less stress about planning, shopping, and cooking for others
  • more ability to invest in new skills and hobbies
  • more ability to travel and move
  • more possible to develop existing relationships with people
  • more quality time with one’s partner(s)
  • less stress in general
A simple life can be even more blissfully simple in a childfree setting.

Think about it. 

If one still wants to have kids after that, they will be better prepared to do so, and the child will be more welcome and well adjusted.

If not, couples will be doing an overpopulated, resource-stressed world a favour.

It may be controversial, but this is a discussion that we should be having at a societal level.


  1. Anonymous10/25/2023

    Well, to paraphrase something the late President Ronald Reagan once said, the people who support this nonsense are already born.

    1. Anonymous10/26/2023

      I am very interested in why you feel this is nonsense. It seems to make sense to me, but perhaps as a childless person I am missing something.

      - Gregg

    2. Anonymous10/26/2023

      Coming from my culture (Mexican-American) and religion (Catholic), family and children are the most important and meaningful part of my and my husband's life. Our children are our true inheritance from God--when I look at my children, I see the faces of my ancestors and I hope and pray that someday my great-grandchildren will see my face or my husband's face in one of their children. My husband and I live a frugal life by necessity and personal choice, but every sacrifice we make for our children is a joy and an honor.

    3. Anonymous10/26/2023

      You sound like wonderful parents. Your children are very fortunate. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

      - Gregg


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