October 11, 2019

Nature: The Universal Soul Salve

Out in nature is where I feel the best. All is as it should be here.

“The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens and nature. 

Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.”

- Anne Frank


  1. Anonymous10/12/2019

    Mmmm, so very true.

    I lay awake into the night listening to the rain on the roof - yes, rain! 16.4 mm in fact. It doesn't sound like much, but is the most we have had in years. I bumped into my neighbour and was amused that he also made himself stay awake just to keep listening to the rain.


    1. Good news!

      We could use some here, too. Less rain than usual for months. I have stopped watering our garden, although there are still a few things growing. Hoping today is the day Mother Nature does some watering here.

      Hope your tanks captured some of that liquid gold.

  2. Anonymous10/12/2019

    Beautiful quote, beautiful picture. My neighborhood walks are that salve noted in the title - sure there are lots of houses and cars, but many trees (of lovely colors right now), some birds, and that feeling that all will be OK.

    Congrats on the rain, Madeleine! We are a smudge under our normal rain for the water year, but I see rains are coming again next week and the winter supposed to be wet. Hope rain hits you soon too, Gregg.


    1. There is beauty everywhere. We have been receiving some rain, the first substantial amounts for some time. It is good for what is still growing in the garden (kale, beets, carrots, and garlic).

  3. Seems like it is feast or famine on the rain around here. Fire ban or flash flooding, lol.

    1. It is amazing how many records are being broken around the world. Since moving here in 2014 we have seen a record snowfall one winter, and a record drought a couple of summers later. Extreme weather seems to be the new normal.

  4. Anonymous10/16/2019

    Absolutely true. I was out in the pasture with the horses on a beautiful fall day, just watching them and the birds overhead. I had such a feeling of sublime happiness and gratitude to be able to enjoy it, I was in tears. Nature heals our souls.

    1. Very nice. For fast acting relief, there's always Nature.

      Linda and I spent the day in our garden. It was sunny and warm and beautiful. We saw a murmuration of chatty starlings land in the trees in the backyard. Geese flew overhead, landing in the field across the road. I dug potatoes, and gathered beets, green onions and kale. Also 4 tomatoes that escaped detection until now. We collected mature pea and bean pods for seed stock for next year's garden.

      I said to Linda, "How could one be wealthier than this?"

      She didn't think it was possible.


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