October 21, 2019

Not On The Ballot

The ballot I would like to see.

The Canadian political gangs are throwing another election today. The ballot, as usual, will give voters a choice between different gangs that all basically stand for the same thing - business as usual.

Our choice is between do-nothing business as usual, and do-something-but-not-the-best-thing green tinged variety of business as usual.

Nowhere in our "democracy" is anyone presenting any alternative to the system that has brought us poverty, endless war and environmental collapse. All of them will tell you that there is no alternative. 

Isn't that like running an election with only one candidate? 

'Yes, you can vote. The Capitalist Party is your only choice. Please indicate what colour you would like it wrapped in.'

The ballot I cast today became an exercise in trying to limit the damage by trying to decide which gang will be the least harmful to the health of the nation. 

Hardly inspiring. 

I would like to see a global vote on the system itself. 

But that is not on the ballot.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/24/2019

    'Yes, you can vote. The Capitalist Party is your only choice. Please indicate what colour you would like it wrapped in.'
    Perfectly stated. Thank you, Mela


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