May 20, 2012

The Key To Your Earthly Pursuits

Living a low-impact, more sustainable life is not just about saving the planet. It's also about saving ourselves.

It is about escaping from the cacophonous sucking funnel that our system wields to devour everything in its vortex, us included. There may be lots of money in the vacuum bag, but you have to live in the dark with the dust bunnies.

Living a more simple life allows us to create the time and space needed to align our earthly pursuits with our deepest passions.

When I was a child I didn't think about what I wanted 'to be' when I completed the thing they called Growing Up. Mostly I just wanted to be outside in nature.

Whole summers would slip past me while I was out under the sun's welcoming warmth. I spent days riding my bike along meandering rivers, and climbing hills and trees.

Nature has been the key to my earthly pursuits. My love of nature saved me from entertaining endless desires, and the endless work required to fulfill them.

In nature I am always ten years old, and the hours still pass like minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5/20/2012

    My heart breaks for the kids who are surrounded by concrete. What a disconnect from life.

    I feel so lucky to have grown up in a place and time when being outdoors was encouraged and possible.

    In nature I am at home.


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