May 27, 2012

Quotes On My Fridge

Photo: Vancouver Island Big Trees
My mom sent me the following quote in a letter, perhaps because I have had lots of questions my whole life. I have always been, and remain, curious about everything.
"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart, and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms or books that are written in a foreign tongue. The point is to live everything.
Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live your way some distant day into the answers."
- Rainer Maria Rilke
When quotes like this come into my life they often end up on the refrigerator for future inspiration. I wedge them in between bits of art and found objects in an ever-changing mosaic.

I thought it would be fun to share some of the words (and art) from this melange, and will be adding "Quotes On My Fridge" as a new feature on NBA. I have listed it on the Features page which can be accessed via the button at the top.

What's on your fridge that helps you get through the day?


  1. Anonymous5/28/2012

    That's one of my favorite quotes!

    I'm endlessly curious myself. (I seem to know a little about a lot of things). Everyday there is something that piques my interest and I'm hungry to know more. Looking forward to this feature.

    I have a little notebook with loads of tiny scraps of paper filled with quotes. It's my bible of sorts. When I need inspiration I search through and always seem to find something that helps.

    1. Maybe you would like to share some notebook tidbits?


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