October 13, 2024

The Future is Frugal

Frugality was once one of the premier life skills, along with other values like thriftiness and resourcefulness. 

These essential life skills are making a comeback.

This time they will be here to stay because consumerism and the landfill economy have run their course and are coming to an end.

Do you have some favorite frugal tips? Please feel free to share them in the comments below.


  1. These all seem reasonable, how I grew up and how we parent now LOL. I've got lots of tips, two of my favourites are keeping all the peelings/ends etc from any veg we use to put into a bag in the freezer. Once it's full I boil them all up, strain and can for vegetable stock. Also, did you know you can replace a battery in a two battery device (like a remote control) with a long paper clip and it will still work? I don't know how much money that saves but it does mean your packet of batteries last longer :)

    1. Anonymous10/14/2024

      The veggie stock tip is a good one if you are trying to use as much as you can from the food you grow or buy. I wonder if one battery lasts half as long as two. Sounds like an experiment in frugality. Follow the Science TM.

      - Gregg


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