January 21, 2024

Chickens Egg-sit Stage Left

Somebody hand me a hen-kerchief - our chickens are gone.

It's sad. I'm being serious, and not trying to be a comedi-hen.

We had great eggs-pectations about increasing our food security, but did not see a single egg after all that beaking around.

For 40 days and 40 nights my care for the two beautiful birds was im-peck-able.

They came to appreciate my hen-some face appearing at their coop every morning at sunrise, noon, and then again at dusk.

Sometimes I would find their food container tipped over, and would suspect fowl play.

But for the most part, they were a joy to spend time with, and they really helped me see the big peck-ture.

Now that they have flown the coop, I hope I don't have an eggs-istential crisis.


  1. I am so sad. Sometimes chickens don't lay when it is cold. I wonder. Sometimes, a snake gets in and takes eggs before a person can. Maybe you can try again when you have collected enough used items to house them. Around here, people give away those dog pens. Of course, I had bought one before I figured out that. People get the free children's plastic houses to house the chickens. There are ways...lol. Sorry you lost your egg machines. I suppose they might have a better life. I wonder if they will start laying or wait for spring. ???

    1. Anonymous1/22/2024

      These chickens don't lay in winter unless you provide artificial light. We really enjoyed having them for a while, and we learned a great deal that will help us do it all better next time.Thank you for your valuable suggestions.

      - Gregg


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