August 20, 2021

The Book That Changed Our Lives

Linda and I have read many books over the years. Many have had a profound effect on us, whether the books were fiction or non-fiction. However, one book in particular stands out.

It was a tiny little book that fit in the palm of the hand. But its diminutive size hid the massive quantity of wisdom held within.

The book I refer to is Shakti Gawain's "Reflection in the Light - Daily Thoughts and Affirmations". 

We picked it up from a used book store many (many) years ago when we lived in Edmonton, Alberta, a city of about one million people.

Within the pages of the book we found the stimulus to change our lives in order to live more simply, authentically, creatively, and in the moment. 

We read it daily, meditating on each and every one of the 365 thoughts and affirmations one at a time, and could feel it assisting us on our path forward towards the life we wanted to live. 

It was wonderful and inspirational support from a compassionate and wise teacher, and it changed the way we thought and lived.

Shakti's book helped us to see the world for what it was, and tap into the power of positive affirmations.

It changed our lives in unexpected ways, and we were able many years later to thank the person that made it available to us.

At the time Linda and I were looking for someone to sublet our housing coop unit for a year as we adventured during a year off work.

A woman was introduced to us by one of our coop neighbours. When the woman told us her name, Linda recognized it. 

I went and retrieved the book, opened it up, and looked at the name on the sticky label applied inside the front cover.

The name in the book? Laurie F. 

The name of the person at our door interested in subletting our coop unit? 

Yes, the very same Laurie F. 

"That was my book!" she said excitedly, and marvelled that somehow, many years after taking it to the used book store, she was now looking at it again in our hands.

In a city of 1 million people, that book brought us together. 

Laurie and her family sublet our unit, and since during our year off we found a new place to live outside of Victoria, BC, we never moved back to the coop. 

As far as we know Laurie, her husband and son are still living there.

The Universe works in mysterious ways. And after reading Shakti, we were not too suprised at the outcome. It made sense.

It was all meant to be. 

Note: We rediscovered this tiny tome this week while doing a whirlwind declutter on a closet, and have started reading it daily once again to remind us of the wisdom inside.

It worked once before. Who knows what  will happen this time?


  1. How interesting that you had her book. It was a good character reference for her. I shall keep an eye out for it.

    1. She turned out to be a quality human being. She also ended up buying us another book to add to our shelf. It was also a beautiful book on Rumi's poetry.


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