May 31, 2021
Jail Break
May 30, 2021
Hummingbirds: The Joy Of Creation
Every mid-May the hummingbirds return to our area, and when they get here, our feeder is out to greet them. Because of these busy, tiny birds, it is a joyful time of year.
The males come back first, setting up territories that they vigorously defend. Then female hummers return, and after that - babies. The cycle continues, and it is good.
Our feeder can be seen from our kitchen sink, and when we are cooking or doing dishes there is endless entertainment just outside the window.
It is said that hummingbirds open the heart.
When we connect with hummingbirds, we delight in the sheer joy of living.
Life is a wonderland of sensuous delights, and we exist in its beauty, delighting in spring flowers, aromas, early sunrises, and the taste of fresh wholesome foods.
Hummingbirds remind us to laugh and enjoy creation, to appreciate the magic of being alive and the beauty of nature all around us.
Sure the world can be a messed up place, but that should not blind us to the infinite beauty around us at all times.
This is the vision, and gift, of heart-opening Hummingbirds.
May 25, 2021
The True Costs Of Consumerism
A study found that if corporations were held accountable for the damage they do, most of them would no longer be profitable.
Unless they passed those costs on to consumers.
Today when we buy things we do not pay true cost. If we did, prices would have to factor in all the environmental costs and other externalities.
Everything would get more expensive as we became responsible for the full extent of the things we buy.
Presently, no one is charged for the demonstrated damage done by the products we buy across their life cycle.
A movement is building to push our system toward charging the true cost of all products and services.
If it is true that overconsumption rather than overpopulation is the problem, then taking responsibility for the full effects of our consumption will help manage it more realistically.
Some say everything is too cheap because no one is paying the true cost of anything.
And no one is, except future generations.
#TrueCost (Adbusters)
"Once we add on the environmental cost of carbon emissions, the cost of building and maintaining roads, the medical costs of accidents, the noise and the aesthetic degradation of urban sprawl, your private automobile will cost you around $100,000, and a tank of gas $150. You’ll still be free to drive all you want, but instead of passing the costs on to future generations, you’ll pay up front.
Plenty of people will howl and moan – at least in the beginning. A bitter meme war will be fought about how true cost disproportionally punishes the poor.
But once true-cost pricing is in place, car use will plunge and bicycle use will soar. City skies will be clearer. Breathing easier. Ride sharing will spike. People will live closer to work. Demand for monorails, bullet trains, subways and streetcars will surge.
A paradigm shift in urban planning will calm the pace of urban living. Cities will be built for people, not cars.
Catastrophic weather events like hurricanes, floods and superfires will subside. The spectre of global warming won’t feel so ominous anymore."
May 23, 2021
Going Back To Abnormal
If things "go back to normal", it will do nothing to raise humanity's collective IQ.
If going back to normal means nuclear energy, pipelines, increasing energy consumption, and enjoying a good old fashioned economic boom, we will only increase global ecological collapse.
Whose fault is it? We want someone to blame.
I blame glitches and limitations in the human genome, as well as a little thing called physics.
You can't beat the laws of physics.
It is impossible to have infinite growth in a finite system, and no amount of lies, wishes and denial can change that.
That is why the past year has been so exciting.
There have been many positive effects resulting from humanity stopping its incessant consumption and movement for once, and these results are hard to deny.
Animals returning to places they hadn't been for a long time were celebrated at first, but the msm quickly returned to regular scheduled fear programming.
During the pandemic savings rates have gone up. People are paying off debt because they have found ways to pass the time without spending money.
We have been spending more time learning how to bake and cook our own wholesome foods.
People have been traveling to far away destinations less, and are enjoying their own back yards more.
The world has been using less energy, and it has had an immediate and beneficial effect.
The planet's largest mountain range, formerly shrouded in smoggy haze, was revealed. We saw the beauty that was hid by the externalities of a system gone wild.
Will we learn from this historic opportunity? Will we take advantage of the moment to do our own personal reset?
If not, and the planet chooses willful ignorance and a return to normal, we won't double our IQ, and we won't be getting any money back when it all backfires.
That is why, when this is all over, I am going back to abnormal.
I invite everyone to join me there.
May 20, 2021
Who Owns Whom?

May 13, 2021
May All Be Free From Suffering And Close To Happiness
“For the power and the truth of this practice, may all sentient beings be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.
May all sentient beings be close to happiness and the causes of happiness.”
This is the traditional formula used for the last ten centuries by the practitioners of the the Dzogchen Tibetan Buddhist school to dedicate their efforts – big or small – to the greater well being of all living things.
I am imagining a world where the human family makes the greater well being of ALL living things its major priority in everything it does.
Compared to today, it would be an unrecognizably peaceful and beautiful place to live.