September 27, 2020

I Want That

"I want that." 

It seems a natural, even harmless, phrase in an acquisitive world. 

However, it is the beginning of much suffering. 

Wanting eventually leads to frustration and stress, which lead to ill health. It is difficult to experience joy when unhealthy.

Happiness is only possible where contentment reigns. 

We can begin to experience contentedness when we sort out real desires from those manufactured by advertisers and their neuropsychologist nudgers.

Consumerism tells us happiness is found in endless desires and limitless stuff. Despite spending trillions of dollars trying to convince us of this obvious lie which was refuted thousands of years ago, the world is moving on.

We are evolving from an era of "I want that", to one of "I need that". 

When one has everything they need, and not much desire for more, a deep gratitude for what you DO have is the result.

Less Wanting - Gratitude - Contentment - Happiness. 

You won't become a billionaire selling this formula, which is why it is not more widely promoted, but that doesn't mean it isn't a winning arrangement.

In the end, the planet benefits, and who wouldn't enjoy less suffering in their lives?

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